Jamal Hasanov

Ranch Hand
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since Jan 08, 2002
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Recent posts by Jamal Hasanov

I figured out the problem: I should have created BufferedImage with BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB parameter (Sun Java Forum) . Here's my rotate method:
17 years ago
I tried to set the background color.. that was the main difference. And you don't use AffineTranformOp - you use subimaging.
17 years ago
I tried to set the background color.. that was the main difference. And you don't use AffineTranformOp - you use subimaging.
17 years ago
I think my case is different. I couldn't apply your approach..
17 years ago
I think my case is different. I couldn't apply your approach..
17 years ago
Hi, all

How can I set the background color of rotated image?
17 years ago
Hi, all

How can I set the background color of rotated image?
17 years ago
I have 2 files:

index.html includes head.html. Inside head.html I have tags like $invoice_amount, $user_name, etc.

I use VelocityServlet for replacing this tags with values. But I must return index.html to client... How to force Velocity to change head.html inside index.html?
Hello, ranchers

Could you please inform me how can I update body.html using velocity, if it's included inside index.html..


hi, folks

how can I update 2 htmls in VelocityServlet?

my a.html is a frame of b.html. Each html has velocity templates.


Is anybody going to JavaOne?
19 years ago
I solved that problem.

You need to set that column's (and column header's) max and min width to 0.

Where tbl is JTable.

19 years ago
Hi all,

How cn I hide some column in JTable? I want to hide the column that contains ID.


19 years ago

But I have no userID field in my UsersBean. I've defined it as a UNKNOWN PK. It exists only in table, not in bean!

Pls, read about Unknown primary keys in EJB specification...
The questtion : What should be instead of idontknow?