Alessandra Sandonini

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since May 11, 2011
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Recent posts by Alessandra Sandonini

Yes, I solved it, but some time ago and I don't remember details..

I'm sure that the message is link to an error on setting the field "SoapAction" (that BPEL engine doesn't set automatically in a correct way :| )..I think you must set it in a good way, like this: "<soap:operation soapAction="urn:yourOperationInvoked" ... />

You have to search solutions to how set the field correctly
Let me know if you solve the problem!

12 years ago

I'm creating BPEL Workflow with Eclipse BPEL plugin and Apache ODE (BPEL engine).
Apache ODE is running with axis2 on Tomcat 7.

I've deployed my Workflow and a Web Service wich is used by my workflow.
I've tested my Web Service, and all it's OK.

When I test my Workflow with "Web service explorer", I have a timeout error.
And the Tomcat server throw the error :

Do you know this problem ? how to solve it ?

Thank you in advance.
12 years ago
I don't know if this is the better section to post my issue, but I don't find another one good for that...


I'm creating BPEL Workflow with Eclipse BPEL plugin and Apache ODE (BPEL engine).
Apache ODE is running with axis2 on Tomcat 7.

I've deployed my Workflow and a Web Service wich is used by my workflow.
I've tested my Web Service, and all it's OK.

When I test my Workflow with "Web service explorer", I have a timeout error.
And the Tomcat server throw the error :

Do you know this problem ? how to solve it ?

Thank you in advance.
12 years ago