shuba gopal

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since May 12, 2011
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Recent posts by shuba gopal

Folks, really happy to see this book. Happy to see you all here too. Many thanks to all 3 of you and the technical review team. Please release books much earlier once Java 9 exams are in place.

Now, I only need to find the time to study.
Hi Kishori,

I am preparing for Java 8 certification. Do you think Java 9 is a big upgrade to Java 9?

7 years ago
Thank you very much Roel...

Sorry I posted in the wrong space. I have returned to using the forum after a few years, so there is a new feel to it. Also  got a bit carried away seeing Kathy and Bert's book.
Tim/Jeanne, coming back home I found the shipped book on my doorstep, thank you very much!
Ready to take on Java 8 certification  
7 years ago
Hi Guys,

I havent received the book yet though. Its been quite a while right?

7 years ago
Hi Kathy/Bert

So happy to see your book !!!
I passed OCPJP 6 with your book

Do you advise I do the OCA 8 first or try for the upgrade exam? My goal is to become fluent with all the new features of Java 8


I have emailed my mail address today. Looks like I won the book promo on Apr 11th.

Thank you very much

7 years ago

Scott Selikoff wrote:For most people, I recommend taking separate OCA and OCP exams, rather than the 1Z0-813 upgrade exam.  While Jeanne is correct, it is more expensive, from an educational perspective taking an easier OCA exam followed by a more difficult OCP exam is the more gradual curve.  In other words, the OCA gives you practice taking an Oracle exam and gives you an idea of how well you know the material.  For example, if you pass but score low on the OCA exam, you should study a lot more before taking the OCP exam.

Also, the 1Z0-813 upgrade exam includes some topics, like WatchService and DirectoryStream, that are no longer on the full exam.  For DirectoryStream, Java 8 stream methods are often preferred now.  In other words, the upgrade exam includes topics that are no longer best practices since the introduction of streams.

That said, if you are well versed in Java 8 and hold an older certification, then the upgrade exam may be best.  Alternatively, those who are experienced in Java but completely new to Java 8, taking the OCA exam first may be a better choice.

Thank you Scott, I will do OCA 8 first, thank you for the detailed reply.

Jeanne Boyarsky wrote:Shuba,
It's a tradeoff. The upgrade exam is harder. But the OCA/OCP path costs twice as much.

Thank you Jeanne, I will do OCA 8 first
Hi Jean, Scott,

I have completed OCPJP 6. Its been about 4 years. Now I see that the portion for Java 8 is a lot more. Should I do the upgrade, or try for OCA 8 first?


I am learning to test JDBC in JUnit. Can someone please tell me if the method of creating Mock Connection objects as given in "Junit in Action" book is still used.

13 years ago
I am actually planning to sort the id values by populating them in a TreeSet. But I am not able to do it this way. Is there anything wrong with using the getElementsByTagName() method? I tried using just "id" but that doesnt work either. Is there any other approach to get the id value?

Hi I am trying to read the following XML file

The getNodeName() method returns Node name correctly as testdata but My problem is that the NodeList method getLength() is 0 when it should be populated with the number of "user id"s

Fred, Ninad, Winston, thank you very much for responding to my question.

Winston, I finally figured out that the same logic applies when the number of elements are odd or even. I cant believe I missed this. Writing it out does clear things up. Many thanks.

13 years ago