Dmitry Kopasov

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since May 17, 2011
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I need to render a radio buttons in a table, one button for each row, to allow selection of the row for the user.
How can I do that if "dataTableEx" is used for rendering the table ?

If I simply put selectOneRadio into hx:columnEx, each row contains independent set of buttons.
13 years ago

I have two similar JSF pages, linked to its own bean each. Each page contains a form with 3 panelboxes, and renders only one of them at a time, depending on the radiobutton position.
Everything is OK for the one of the pages, but for the second I have a problem: the values sent from one of the panelboxes are not assigned to the bean properties, if panelbox has "rendered" attribute.
I.e. the panelbox itself is rendered properly, but sent values are ignored. However, it works perfectly if I remove "rendered" attribute and put STL IF instead.

My only guess is that the problem appears due to some incorrect state saving. Also, I have to note that the page having described problem renders automatically a field like this:
<input type="hidden" name="javax.faces.ViewState" id="javax.faces.ViewState" value="j_id13:j_id14" />
while the page correctly working has nothing like that.

Could someone give me any clue about this ?
13 years ago