Sid Kar

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since May 23, 2011
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Hi guys,

I am no newbie to java but I am a beginner to java game programming and would love book recommendations from you all. I went through a book called fundamentals of 2d java game development but I was not able to understand the code. So I am looking for a better book or even video tutorials. Both free and paid is fine with me.
8 years ago
Hi guys,

I feel like products like google glass are going to be as ubiquitous as mobile phones in the future.

When this revolution strikes, people are going to be looking for apps for their glass devices.

I want to be right up there when that happens. I want to make cutting edge apps for google glass and its similar devices.

What would I have to learn in order for that to happen?

Computer vision? Computer graphics? Android? Swift? Objective C? Engineering Mathematics?

Thanks for helping me out.

9 years ago
Hi guys,

I tried and found out the following:

1. Abstract classes can be made public or package, but not private or protected.

2. Abstract methods can be made public or package or protected, but not private.

Please can somebody tell me why?
12 years ago
OK, I will try it in a compiler and get back to you.
12 years ago
Hi guys,

I'd like to know if

1. Abstract classes can have an access specifier or not? Why or why not?

2. Abstract methods can have an access specifier or not? Why or why not?
12 years ago
Thank you Abhishek. I was kind of thinking about the internal memory representation of methods in Java and trying to figure out in what way a static method differs from a non-static method. I have a better idea now. Thank you. I have marked the thread as resolved.
13 years ago
Thank you very much Jesper for your kind help.
13 years ago
Thank you.

So I've established that the difference between static methods, and class-wide methods in Java are that:

1. The this reference can be used to pinpoint the calling object.
2. I can access member variables using the object.

However in terms of internal memory representation, only one copy of both methods, and static methods exist. Is this not correct?
13 years ago
Hi all,
I know that static functions are class wide, and only a single copy exists for a static function for all the objects instantiated. A static function can also be used without instantiating other objects of the class in which it is declared.

Now what about functions that are declared class wide? What is the difference? I know that seperate memory space is only allocated for the attributes of the class. Not the methods/functions. So what is the exact difference?

Please clarify that for me.

Thanking you,
13 years ago
And what is the need for Clojure and LISP when we have programming languages like C++ and Java already?
13 years ago
Hi Amit,

From my quick search in wikipedia, it seems that Clojure is a dialect of LISP that is mainly used only for artificial intelligence. How is this book relevant to those who are not programming AIs?

13 years ago