Bajrang Asthana

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since May 24, 2011
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Recent posts by Bajrang Asthana

Yes, I agree with you.

Could you please take a look of

12 years ago
I just want to correct myself-

I could see that all the session variables are unbounded after log out using invalidate method, but browser uses same session id as of previous logged in user's . Actually I am looking for possible solutions for session fixation and cookies theft.
12 years ago
I need workaround for below-

As I guess there is known issues with jsession id. JBoss does not generate a new session id after logout(in the same browser) or browser uses same session id for all user's login. Session id is alive till max session period specified in web.xml. Actually I am using Seam framework, and while logout we call Seam.invalidateSession() method to invalidate session but after debugging I found that browser was using same session id after logout and all the session variables are alive (that must be unbounded after logout). I have also tried Identity.instance().logout(), unfortunately it is also not working.

I want to know how can we unbound all session variable and avoid session hijack or cookies theft.
12 years ago
If you have created a new navigation XML file then you have to add following in your web.xml-
Is It possible for you to show code section what exactly you are doing?

However If you are updating the managed bean(that you are using on JSF page) with latest value then your change will be displayed there.
Have you checked whether you are updating JSF view with new data that you have saved/ updated in database.
I guess supplierSessions.getSuppliers(); is returning the null list . Have you debuged your code?
Alternatively, You can also try the following-

Add one default select item into select item array like below-

then add the rest of items.


Have you used @NotNull annotation on auto generated Id field?

If so remove it. If problem further persist put your Entity bean code and table scheme here.

You can do it either using Ajax call or set focus of page using javascript like below-

Personally I recommend to you, use Ajax call and render the part of page which is needed.

12 years ago
I think, It would be good to define an attribute URL in your Order class. You can set this attribute to any url that you want to display in command button.

Something like below -
<h:commandButton image="#{o.url}" >

I think, It will be clear to you.
12 years ago
You can do like below-

1. Add value change listener with your h:selectOneMenu

Specify ManagedBeanMethod and store selected item of menu bar.

2. Specify rendered attribute like below

when you want to show this tags you need to return true value from ManagedBeanMethod like below-

12 years ago
You can use rendered attribute of tag to display or hide.
12 years ago
I am facing very strange problem with IE 9 while uploading file in my SEAM application. Actually, my application send a notification mail to specified mail id which consist a URL. when i click on this link/URL it directs to my application where i can upload a file using SEAM fileUpload component.
I observed that the problem occur only when i left click on link from Gmail with IE 9. If I open the same link from yahoo and other mail services, it works fine with IE 9. I have also tried the same case with Firefox ,opera and chrome and did not find any problem.
I also observed with IE 9 and Gmail that if I right click and press roller of mouse it works fine.

I need help to solve this problem.
13 years ago
When you try to access any property of an object that is null or have no instance attached with it.

for example:

Class Test{
int x;
public int getX(){
return x;
public void static main(String args[]){

Test test =null;
test.getX(); // Here you get java.lang.NullPointerException



to deal with this exception, you should first check the reference of object for null then access any method or property of associated to an object.

something similar-

if(null != test){
13 years ago
Use h:outputLabel and use "for" attribute to associate this label to its corresponding element.

Hope it will work for you
13 years ago