Amit K Jain wrote:Hi,
Is it possible to create the hyperlink for the labels of radioButtons. I want to create the hyperlink for these to point to some static text on the same page.
Can someone please advise how to do it.
Rob Micah wrote:I have a bean that holds an array of Object parameters. When I render the view I want to choose between using a textbox or a select list for each one of those objects based on their attributes. At first glance this appeared to be simple using JSTL tags but after reading that JSTL tags evaluate only to build the component tree and not to render it, I don't think it will work (ref:
So how can I accomplish this using JSF?
H Jetly wrote:Are you using JSF 1.2 or JSF 2.0 ?
Tim Holloway wrote:
As I mentioned, it's extremely unsafe to write your own login system, no matter HOW many J2EE books use login forms as examples.But if you do, you can capture the login credentials in the login form's backing bean, use IoC to inject your user profile bean into the login form's backing bean, and have the login form's login action method configure the user profile. All without requiring constructor arguments.