Navneet Yadav

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since May 29, 2011
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Recent posts by Navneet Yadav

Thomas Paul wrote:Try changing the properties to start with a lower case instead of upper case. "username" instead of "UserName".
<td><html:text property="userName" size="16" /></td>
<td><html:text property="passWord" size="16" value="" /></td>

Hey Thanks Dude it works!!! Lotz of time saved
But the question is whether this is some kind of bug???
13 years ago
I am having the sameproblem and none of the solutions above are working
13 years ago
Hey Guys ensure your tomcat server is up by visiting the following link http://localhost:8080
Then to run your jsp for example- If i want to run first.jsp

1. go to the tomcat installation directory C:\apache-tomcat-7.0.14\webapps\

2. Make a folder of your choice (navneet_examples in my case)

3. keep your .jsp files in this directory (first.jsp)

4. run your jsp by typing the following link http://localhost:8080/navneet_Examples/first.jsp

Hope it works for you

Navneet Yadav

13 years ago