Siddhartha G Baruah

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since Jun 07, 2011
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Recent posts by Siddhartha G Baruah

Finally a good news. I passed!

Thanks Jeanne, Ganesh and all active members for all your help.

I had a problem in my component diagram and I resubmitted it on 11/29 and today I got the result.

Thanks all and best wishes to those who are waiting for their results.

Thanks Jeanne. Since there is 40 marks for component diagram, i will go for more details as long as the diagram is right and legal. I have still some doubts on interfaces and ports displayed in the component diagram. Cade/Sheil book don't show them. What do you think about them, should i need to show them? To be able to add interfaces in component diagram, do i need to have them in Class diagram? I used servicelocator and Context injection and Value List H etc, they are all traditional design pattern and not real interfaces...

Thanks in advance,
I sent an email to the OCP team and i got a response back saying that my component diagram was not missing but was wrong because of splitting into 4 digrams for each use case. I need to resubmit the component diagram as a signle diagram. Now, i am not sure what would be much different putting all in a single diagram and Class diagram, sequence and deployement disgram kind of gives the whole picture. My current component diagram is more or less a version of the class diagram.

Could anybody help me if the following is a correct way? Should i make it a bigger more generalized cohesive component and put specialized smaller (class level) component inside the bigger one and use ports and interfaces connecting all these bigger component? Is it legal to put smaller component into a bigger one? Should i need to show different tiers like web, presentation, integration etc , and where these component falls into, just like Cade book?

Thanks in advance.

Thanks Ganesh. My total is 102 and deployment diagram its 17. Do i have to resubmit the deployment diagram section too? Today,I got an email for the failure result. I will reply as you advised for the missing component diagram comment.

And i guess when we resubmit, we update the old submission with fixing the comments and upload it right?

Finally after 15 weeks of waiting, I received a update in my Pearson Vue account page that I failed (no email yet) in part 2 . I got the following marks in component diagram 10/30 and 10/10 in UML compliance in the component diagram. But in the comment section it says missing component diagram. It doesn't say which section i need to rewrite but says in general if this is a first try, I can resubmit within 30 days. Then, i went back and check my deliverable and found that I named the links as Collaboration diagram and NOT component diagram but inside the diagram they were Component diagram. Now,

1) Was because of the wrong name, they didn't find my component diagram? Can i request them to check the collaboration links explain in an email?

2) If the component diagram is missing, then why still i got 10+10(UML compliance) = 20 marks in that section? I followed CADE book.

3) Since I haven't got any email yet, will I be informed about what section i need to retake or submit the whole project? Also, there was a note that I don't need to take the essay. And lastly, I missed some marks in Class diagram (i got 35/40). Can i add the missing BDM information even though i passed that section? Will that section (class) diagram be evaluated again?

Thanks in advance.

Thanks Gurukant.

I emailed to VP sales and they have monthly rentals for $5 with minimum of 3 months purchase. So $15. If you press a little probably they will give rental for a month too or $5. I got the 3 months rentals for $15 and got my watermark free image. one of the ways if you don't mind spending a few bucks....
I tried both versions, community and evaluations editions, both have watermarks. Screen-shot and pasting in Paint works but for bigger diagram its a problem. Any solution for that?

Will it be risky to keep the image with watermarks?

Thanks Ashutosh. VLH comes automatically with Entitymanager (JEE)? Oh, I didn't know that. But can it handle large searches like VLH and won't it use the finder method against of which VLH is born?

I decided to include the list and VO with VLH. Initially i was inclined to include more business related component than framework related and got this idea of not including the list and VO.


Should we add mitigation in words/sentences across each risk or show it in design (in class and sequence diagrams) ?

I have the same question. Anyone?

@ Krishna, what have you decided?

I am planning to use a Value List handler for the search results. I am little confused about what details should i show in Class and Component diagram? Should i show the ValueList and the value Object too? Or just VLH (as SFSB) in Business tier and DAO in the integration tier with other presentation tier component are sufficient?

Thanks in advance.
Thanks for your responses.

I am not talking about backing bean and I don't plan to use JSF. I was planning a front controller and one sub-controller(Command helper) per use case. But cade book was only showing controller in the class diagram. Now i think it is a good idea to include sub controller too.

What others think?
If we do a single front controller pattern ,I assume, we would have various requests forwarded to many sub-controllers, right? But in Cade book, chapter 9, there is only one single front controller in the class diagram however in the sequence diagram they also include a BidController.

Should we just show the single front controller and in the write assumption about the url mappings to subcontroller/command object in a declarative setting and no need of sub-controllers OR we should show sub-controllers along with the single Frong Controller?

Thanks in advance.
Dear Ranchers,

I am trying to do my part 2 which is a reverse auction project. I just started to read the requirement. One question that came to my mind is how much detail. Like, in one case it says "authorized rep doing some action......" .nowhere else it is mentioned other than one use case. Now, can we include this authorization in assumption list and focus on other business details or we need to create some module in design explaining authentication and authorization?

Thanks in advance.