Igor Malkovich

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since Jun 08, 2011
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Recent posts by Igor Malkovich

I didnt receive yet any email from Oracle, but i logged today into the pearson vue account both second and third part have status TAKEN. Anyhow when i clicked on part 2 score report i see the score (141) and status is PASSED. Does it means that i have passed?

Thanks. Cheers

Just guys this is so strange, I finihed my 3rd part 15 weeks ago...and still nothing
13 years ago
Hi Guys,

I want to submit my assignment but i am not sure about the ID. When I went to my account at Pearson VUE i see account id in this form OCxxxxxxx, but on the examination score report (from first part) my candidate ID is like SRxxxxxxx. Which one I should use for naming the JAR file? Thanks
If you feel like you are missing some info, then come up with a reasonable assumption, document it and model your soulution according to that.
It is all depending on the context, but I don't see why having some data being staticlly loaded and cashed would be invalid assumption. If you feel how that is good solution, then go for it.
HI guys, how would you show strategy pattern using ejb3 in sequence diagram? Would you inject all possible strategies and then have algorithm which choose right one - or would you use "new" keyword?

You may use JPA bean. Non-persistence field annotate with @Transient. Also you may use DTO to transfer data, but as you said part of the code will be duplicated. Only advantage if you return DTO to the controller is that you dont have to worry about lazy loading issues nor considering implementing open session in view pattern...So it is all depending on the case. Good luck.
WHy not to show this in sequence diagram?
Fro part 2 system has to provide <redacted>

Thanks people
HI guys,

For part 2 I have to <redacted>

So I see two options - <redacted>

What do you think?

