rahul S Sharma

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since Jun 08, 2011
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Recent posts by rahul S Sharma

While executing my program with this hbm, it gives org.hibernate.PropertyNotFoundException: Could not find a getter for country in class mypack.Country.
Any help would be appreciated.......
Hi Folks,
In a project suppose we have only jsp pages not even a single servlet . Do we still need to add web.xml in our project..?
12 years ago
Hi all,

I am very new to hibernate and facing a very strange problem. When i run my program, it runs fine until my system is connected with internet but when i disconnect my system from internet, it gives an exception "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException Could not read mappings from resource: student.hbm.xml". Can somebody help me to find the solution of this problem..

Hi All,

I have two jradiobuttons in JDialogbox. I have set functionality on each one. When I clicks on first radio button , a table displays in dialog box but when i clicks on second one , some labels and textfield appears. Both actions are overlapping each other. My requirement is that if i click on second radio button , table that is showing in dialog box should be disappear . Only labels and textfield should appear which is the result of clicking second radio button.

13 years ago
Hi all,

I am fetching some data from database and displaying in jtable through abstracttablemodel in jframe. Now I want to place button or any sort of link in each row on which if i click, i'll redirect to new frame.
How can i achieve this objective.
13 years ago
Hi all,

I have made a jframe in which i am using setDefaultCloseOperation(HIDE_ON_CLOSE) operation. By this when i click on close button of window, frame simply hide and my tray icon doesn't disappear but when i click on Jbutton named as CLOSE, tray icon disappear because i have written System.exit(0) in button action performed method. Now I want that when i click on CLOSE Jbutton, tray icon should not disappear from its position.

13 years ago
Hi Folks,

I am fetching some data from database and showing it in jtable by using AbstractTableModel. Now the columns which I am fetching has some long description like 'Payment Method' is showing 'Payment Met...'. How can I wrap those column name . Please suggest me some solution.

13 years ago
Hi Folks,

I have two jtextfields. I want to open a calendar pop up when I click on either field to enter a date. Please help me to achieve this.

13 years ago
Hi Ritchie
Thanks for your help. I have gone through the tutorial but didn't find any solution related to my problem. So I would appreciate if you could give some guidelines or any link that can solve my problem....

13 years ago
Hi All,

I am getting data in my ArrayList. Now I want that data to be placed in jtable through AbstractTableModel. How can i achieve this.

13 years ago
Hi all,

I have made a frame in swing. I am retrieving some data from database in table format. Now I want to export that data into excel format on button click.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

13 years ago
Hi all,

I am new to Swings. I have made a frame and I put a button in it. I have written some hard code data in my code which is displaying in my table. Now I want that data to be display in my table when i click on the button.Here is the code...


13 years ago
What about HttpServlet class? This class doesn't have any abstract method, still is an abstract class.
13 years ago
According to my knowledge, Generic Servlet class implements Servlet interface and it gives definition of all the methods present in Servlet interface except service() method. service() method is abstract in Generic Servlet class, that's why Generic Servlet is an abstract class.Please correct me if I am wrong or is there anything I can add in my explanation.
13 years ago