bhushan devare

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since Jun 15, 2011
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Recent posts by bhushan devare

I was trying different combination & I got the solution, may be need to test well. But if I replace <camel:simple>${body} == true </camel:simple> by <camel:simple>${in.body} </camel:simple> then it is solving my problem.

Actually I have java code for the same, what I am trying to do is that I want to move all this in XML(routes) so that it will be more configurable. Means suppose(for current example of validation) if in future I have to remove any validation then I will just need to update my XML file(routes that I have written) & I don't need to touch my java class. Also it is more easy to use any other validation or any other thing.
I am new to apache camel. I have following route in my camelContex.

<camel:from uri="direct:sendSampleBean"/>
<camel:to uri="bean:ownValidator?method=checkForName"/>
<camel:simple>${body} == true </camel:simple>
<camel:to uri="bean:ownValidator?method=validate"/>

Actually I am sending 'SampleBean' in body, then want to check if 'name' is null or not in bean and returning boolean result. for this I have method, 'checkForName'. If name present then I want to do another validation by calling 'validate' method by using same bean 'SampleBean'.
My problem is that while calling 'validate' method its taking 'boolean' as parameter whereas method is expecting the 'SampleBean'. How to keep flowing same datatype throughout the route?
Please help me. Thanks in advance.
Thanks Ivan, its really helpful for me. It solved my problem.
13 years ago
Hello All
I have to create UI which will work as follows:
1) By giving wsdl file link ,it will show all operations(methods) exposed
2) After selecting any method & giving proper request , it will give me response
I am using wsdl4j. I have completed first one. Can anyone tell me how to call web service method & get response.
I know we have SOAP UI & other tools, but for some requirements I have to create my own.
Please help me. Steps to do that, any document related to that also appriciated.
13 years ago
Hello All,
I am new to webservices. Can anyone please provide me link / tutorial for JAX-WS

13 years ago
Hello All,
I am new to web services. I want to learn it. Can any one suggest me good online tutorial / link , from where I can get basics, good knowledge of web services using JAX-WS.
13 years ago
Hi Nipun. Yes, I have added the project to server
13 years ago
I just started it from Eclipse. Right click on sever & select start option.
13 years ago
Hello All
I am trying to deploy web application on Tomcat 6.0. I have installed tomcat on C drive in nonwhitespace directory. In browser when I am giving "http://localhost:8081/", its showing me tomcat's welcome page. In eclipse I have created server but when I am trying to browse "http://localhost:8081/" with newly created server .It is giving me HTTP status 404 error. Please help me.
13 years ago