jing ma

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since Jun 22, 2011
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I am working on the Head Servlet&JSP book projects. I can not recognize import packages and can not compile.
can anyone so kindly help me about this? I google online about the classpath. but I might misunderstand it. Please help me about this Thanks!

There is a problem about javac compiling. Here is my development directory structure
project directory C:\Users\myname\Documents\JSP\MyProject\beerV1
under beerV1 I followed the book,
the BeerSelect.java source file is in C:\Users\myname\Documents\JSP\MyProject\beerV1\src\com\example\web
the BeerExpert.java source file is in C:\Users\myname\Documents\JSP\MyProject\beerV1\src\com\example\model

the code of BeerSelect.java

the code of BeerExpert.java compiled with commandline under windows7:
C:\Users\myname\Documents\JSP\MyProject\beerV1\src\com\example\model> javac -classpath C:\tools\tomcat\lib\servlet-api.jar -d C:\Users\myname\Documents\JSP\MyProject\beerV1\classes BeerExpert.java
it comiled and generated the BeerExpert.class under directory C:\Users\myname\Documents\JSP\MyProject\beerV1\classes\com\example\model

when I try to compile the BeerSelect.java it can not import package com.example.model.BeerExpert.class Here is my commandline to compile BeerSelect.java
C:\Users\myname\Documents\JSP\MyProject\beerV1\src\com\example\web> javac -classpath C:\tools\tomcat\lib\servlet-api.jar; C:\Users\myname\Documents\JSP\MyProject\beerV1\classes\com\example\model\*.class:. -d C:\Users\myname\Documents\JSP\MyProject\beerV1\classes BeerExpert.java

David Blaine wrote:

jing ma wrote: Hi guys, I need advice and opinions! I am major in CS and got scjp cert. now I work as a systems engineer. It's more about the network and less programming. I want to touch more code. Are the work experiences as a network system engineer help for software developer career? I know experiences on the resume is really important. Does the freelancer experience help? (It's also hard to get start as a freelancer!) Here is another stupid like question: which one is better? systems engineer or software developer? I will be appreciate for your advice and opinions!

What work do you do as a systems engineer ?

basically, it's network
11 years ago
Hi guys, I need advice and opinions! I am major in CS and got scjp cert. now I work as a systems engineer. It's more about the network and less programming. I want to touch more code. Are the work experiences as a network system engineer help for software developer career? I know experiences on the resume is really important. Does the freelancer experience help? (It's also hard to get start as a freelancer!) Here is another stupid like question: which one is better? systems engineer or software developer? I will be appreciate for your advice and opinions!
11 years ago

Nam Ha Minh wrote:not very important.

Really? oh, noooooo, I just hope it can look better on my resume. That's so sad, although Shivalkar reply has comfort me a little.

Anayonkar Shivalkar wrote:

jing ma wrote:Sure there are thousands JSP jobs, but how the industry evaluate the SCWCD? I am a new master graduate.

Welcome to CodeRanch!

IMHO, certification(s) definitely matter for a new graduate (that is looking for the first job). Yes, certification doesn't at all mean that you know everything about the subject, but from prospective employer's perspective, it gives a message that the candidate is ready to learn new things on his/her own, and is capable of passing an exam for the same.

I hope this helps.

All the Best!

Thanks a lot!
Sure there are thousands JSP jobs, but how the industry evaluate the SCWCD? I am a new master graduate.
I want to take the latest version of SCWCD. when I check oracle website there's only OCPJWCD 5 <Oracle Certified Professional, Java EE 5 Web Component Developer>. I can not find OCPJWCD 6 . Under the JAVA EE collection there are following test.

1 Oracle Certified Professional, Java EE 5 Web Component Developer
2 Oracle Certified Professional, Java EE 5 Business Component Developer
3 Oracle Certified Professional, Java EE 5 Web Services Developer
4 Oracle Certified Master, Java EE 5 Enterprise Architect
5 Oracle Certified Expert, Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 JavaServer Pages and Servlet Developer
6 Oracle Certified Expert, Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 Enterprise JavaBeans Developer
7 Oracle Certified Expert, Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 Java Persistence API Developer
8 Oracle Certified Expert, Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 Web Services Developer

which one is the latest version of scwcd? is it the 5th one? is the book "Head First Servlets and JSP" enough for the exam? what else should I read for the test?
congratulations~ , Thank you for information, I am going to take the exam next month.
Thank you verrrrrrrrrry much~!

Dennis Grimbergen wrote:1. Go to http://pearsonvue.com/oracle/
2. On the menu on the right click 'My account'
3. On the login part on the right site click the link 'Create a web account'
From there it should be easy to register for an account.

When you have your account:

1. Go to http://pearsonvue.com/oracle/
2. On the menu on the right click 'My account'
3. Login with your account details
4. On the left menu click 'Schedule Exams'
5. Scroll down in the list with exams till '1Z0-851 Java Standard Edition 6 Programmer Certified Professional Exam'
6. Click it and it will also appear in the language select part just below the list of exams
7. Select a language and click 'Next'
8. Press the yellow 'Search' button to find some nearby test centers
9. Select your test center and click 'Next'
10. Select a date and click 'Select appointment' and click 'Next'
11. Enter your voucher number --> This will probably drop the price to 0.

You can manage to finish it from there
Good luck with your exam.

Hi, everyone

I have bought a voucher from http://www.whizlabs.com/scjp/scjp.html and already get one, which is pdf version to my email.
here is parts of the mail

"You can register online with the voucher number on PearsnVUE website www.pearsonvue.com and take the printout of the confirmation and then visit the exam centre and give the exam.
but I can not find anywhere to register on that website. Could you please give some guide or some guide source to help me finish the register and schedule the exam. I want to take the test next week,

Thanks a lot~!
