Originally posted by Thomas Paul:
The worst part is that the whole war could have been prevented if the Russuans and French had been tougher on the Iraqis.
Originally posted by Jason Menard:
No, that is quite far from a fact. See Table 1 on page 10 of this document (pdf).
Between 1998-2000, the average number of homicides per 100,000 population in the US was 5.87. This does not even remotely approach the figures of places like Russia (20.52) or South Africa (54.25), to name but a couple.
Originally posted by Eleison Zeitgeist:
Mike Moores an idiot.... I use to like him. I don't anymore... he plays to people's emotions to make money. Oh... he's also a liar...
[ July 22, 2003: Message edited by: Eleison Zeitgeist ]
Originally posted by Eric Fletcher:
Not sure how this is relevent, but the last time I checked, there weren't a lot of American citizens shooting at our own Army.
It's also real easy to talk about bravery when you aren't getting shot at.....
Originally posted by Mapraputa Is:
Answer: 3 months is not enough.
What am I missing?
Originally posted by Mapraputa Is:
I see no point on argueing about this (WMD)
This reminds me an anecdote about Russian military unit with nuclear weapons:
- @#^! Why did you put your @#$#% boot on the control panel?
-Sorry Sir!
- "Sorry"??? And where is Belgium now? Where is Belgium??? Kitchen work for three days for you!
Originally posted by Mark Herschberg:
This is a favorite interview question of mine (which I got from Fred Brook's Mythical Man Month. The question is simple:
Where is November?
Originally posted by Jason Menard:
Originally posted by Jason Menard:
Regarding the WMDs, recently captured high-ranking members of the Iraq regime have not only said that they were lying to the inspectors and misleading them,...
Originally posted by Thomas Paul:
The fact that they refused to reveal the location of stockpiles of anthrax that they were known to have says that, in fact, Iraq was not cooperating with the inspectors.
Originally posted by Thomas Paul:
And what do base this opinion on?