sneha Mh

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since Jun 30, 2011
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Recent posts by sneha Mh

I am using Fusioncharts.js to render Fusioncharts on my jsp. Also in my application I have a jquery.js file which conflicts with jQuery.min.js file of fusioncharts.

Can anybody help me how to resolve conflict between jQuery.min.js and jquery.js
13 years ago
yes I am trying to set the popup left and top properties I feel it will work in some cases
13 years ago

I have a jsp that contains Iframe

<iframe src='' width='100%' height="100%" frameBorder="0" id="MyFrame"></iframe>

this frame will render my jsp in Iframe.

Now in that jsp , I have a popup which will be shown on a link in jsp.
This popup is nothing but a div which is hidden by default and will be set to display:inline when user clicks the link.

The problem is now when that jsp is rendered in normal window, the popup is shown at point where user clicks
but not that jsp is being in a iframe , the popup is shown far from the link

Please help me .
13 years ago