Frank Wu

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since Jan 14, 2002
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Say I have EJBs behind my company's firewall. I have VPN access to connect to the company network. Can I access the EJBs behind firewall if the firewall disables RMI-IIOP access?
22 years ago
If you have a EJB Container behind firewall and you want to access this EJB Container outside the firewall. If you use VPN, can you access the EJB container via RMI-IIOP?
I guess the answer is yes. Can any one confirm?
I didn't mean that we show every method and attribute. I want to check if it is necessary to show the data type of the attributes, show the return value of the method etc.
Since you said "busines modeler" role is enough, so I guess the answer for the above question is no.
In TogetherJ, when you set the role to "Business Modeler", the class diagram you draw doesn't have much details. I.e. The attribute doesn't have a data type; the method doesn't have any return value etc. When you set the role to other roles (developer, designer), the class diagram shows everything including the data type of the attributes, return value of the method etc.
My question is for part II exam, which role should we use? In another words, do we need to show details for attributes/methods in class diagram?
Thanks in advance.
In component diagram which kind of stereotype should we use for a JSP? A servlet? An EJB?
I am using Togethersoft tool. They have stereotype like executables, Files, application, etc. Can we define our own stereotype? For example, we define a <<JSP>> stereotype as for JSP components?
Also in Together component diagram, Can anyone explain what is an interface in a component diagram? To which can an interface be
I am just trying to show something like an HTTPS communication link in the component diagram, but don't know how to do it in together.
Anybody has any idea?
Thanks a lot,
It is just an easy way that sun makes another $150 for every candidate.
I wants to connect my oracle database using JDBC and the jdbc driver shipped with Oracle 8.
In order to improve performance, I want to use ipc connection.
I have a few questions here:
1. Does Thin drivers work with IPC?
2. I tested with oci8 drivers, it worked. However I have to set the environment variables ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID and LD_LIABRARY_PATH. Is there a way that I don't have to setup these as environment variables?
Or can I set these programmatically?
Thanks in advance,
set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the $oracle_home\lib will do
You are extremely fast. I am working on that too, but I am still in the phase trying to modify the existing business model, so I think I need at least a few more weeks to finish it.
Good luck.
Something I think you must read:
1. J2ee Blueprint
2. J2ee Specifications 1.2. (Not all the chapters)
3. GOF design patterns. For part I, you don't need to go through in deatils for each pattern.
4. J2ee Design Patterns.
Items 1,2 and 4 can be found on the web.
This forum is a good resource too and you can find out a lot of information.

In part II, the java application client for agent is confusing. I don't see the reason that they are not just using web.
If we use an application, we will have a different set of UserInterfaces and also some additional controller classes. I.e. we will have a HTTP proxy to simulate the HTTP requests and receive HTTP results and let the java client render the HTTP results. It is kind of complicated.
Do we need to put the java client in so much details?
Anybody has any comments?
TIA, John.


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[ August 13, 2003: Message edited by: Ajith Kallambella ]

Your message was edited since you quoted content from the actual assignment. Please read our policy on SCEA questions and refrain from discussing actual assignment issues.
Thank You!

[ August 13, 2003: Message edited by: Ajith Kallambella ]
Talking about 3 classes EJB, which one is usually put in a class diagram?