Stefan Ramirez

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since Jul 10, 2011
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Recent posts by Stefan Ramirez

That did the trick... thanks for the quick help!
13 years ago
Hello Ranchers!

OS: Windows 7 32bit
IDE: Eclipse Indigo
JBoss: JBoss-AS-7.0.2

I'm migrating a JSF (majorra-2.1.2) project from tomcat7 to jboss-as-7.0.2.

In my original project I wrote a CustomSelectManyCheckboxListRenderer which extended MenuRenderer and worked just fine.

Unfortunately with the jsf version of jboss-as-7 (jboss-spec-2.0) none of the imported com.sun.faces.* packages can be resolved.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance,

13 years ago
This problem is solved... JBoss Tools Maven Integration and m2e-wtp did the trick.
13 years ago
Hello Ranchers!

I am trying to develop JSF projects with Eclipse Indigo and JBoss AS7 (7.0.2).

After downloading JBoss Tools 3.3 and m2eclipse I have a running JBoss7 Server and can access the administration console.

Problems start with deploying the sample quickstart projects.
First I imported them as existing maven projects. Unfortunately there was no "Run on server" option so I had to add JSF Capabilities to the projects.
Now I can choose "Run on server" but the projects neither work nor get deployed.

They DO work if I deploy them via maven package boss-as:deploy.

Any hints help or tutorials are much appreciated.

Thanks in advance

13 years ago
Hey Ranchers!

Once again I need your help...

I've bound several UIForms in my backing bean and am searching for a possibility to call them by name. Something like getComponent("bindingname");
Any hints on that?
Also for sequential access, I'd like to store those UIForms in a list? At my previous attempts I got NullPointerExceptions whenever I tried to call a form of the list.

If one wants to go for "best practice" would it be better to have very few xhtml pages? Hypothetical, one could implement a whole page in one xhtml file and progressive render the components right?

Thanks in advance,
13 years ago
Thank you Mr. Holloway! Your answers are always spot on!

The main problem seems to be that I've chosen the wrong authentication system in the first place.

What I need is a role based user login and some kind of session management.
Correct me if I'm wrong but Tomcat REALM authentication seems more of a "protect some folders" system.

I wasn't even able to direct my visitors to a login and proceed. Tomcat wants me to request a protected URL and login afterwards.

Can somebody point me to the right direction for my needs?

Thanks in advance,

13 years ago
I probably need some kind of filter servlet ... therefore I seem to be in the wrong sub-forum.

Does one usually combine realm authentication with some kind of loginBean für session management?
13 years ago

In my JSF2.0 web project I have a FORM-based login for Tomcat 7.0 REALM authentication.

My web.xml looks like this:

After a successfull login admins should get to /admin/adminpanel.xhtml and users/experts should get to /user/userpanel.xhtml.

What would be the best way to accomplish this?

Thanks in advance!
13 years ago

Tim Holloway wrote:One of the things that I loathe about WTP is that it mucks around with the Tomcat server configuration. Your original server.xml doesn't count; WTP cloned it and the clone copy probably still has the LockOutRealm in it, since that's not a Realm that's active by default. Your problem will probably magically go away if you run Tomcat stand-alone or under a less obnoxious Eclipse J2EE module like the sysdeo one.

Thats what it did ;-/

Thanks again! Much appreciated.
13 years ago

Tim Holloway wrote:Take another look at your server.xml file. It appears that there's more than one Realm defined, and the JDBCRealm you specified isn't the one being used - it's using a LockOutRealm.

If you don't find the LockOutRealm definition in server.xml, look for an overriding deployment descriptor (context xml) file in TOMCAT_HOME/conf/Catalina/localhost. Also check the WAR for a META-INF/context.xml file.

Hey Tim!

Thanks for your time... unfortunately, even after deleting all other realms from the server.xml the problem persists and the LockOutRealm still seems to be active. I'm deploying my project via eclipse helios ... could this be part of the problem? The mentioned folder TOMCAT_HOME/conf/Catalina/localhost is empty and in my projects META-INF folder there's only the manifest.
13 years ago
Hello everybody!

I'm using tomcat 7.0 for my jsf2.0 project. I need a BASIC JDBCRealm authentication with 3 different roles (sounds easy)... but somehow I can't get logged in no matter what I try.

I have a MySQL 5.5 DB set up and running and put the connector jar in the tomcats lib folder.

Furthermore there are two tables in my DB containing the users and their roles as described in the tomcat quick start guide.

Thats what I added to my server.xml:

Thats what I added to my web.xml:

When I try to access a page in the /admin folder the login pops up. I enter user: admin pwd: 123 as I got it in my table and nothing happens. I can enter it two more times until a 401 Error Page shows up.

If I enter a false password on the first try I get the following console message on the other tries:
10.07.2011 20:51:43 org.apache.catalina.realm.LockOutRealm authenticate
WARNING: An attempt was made to authenticate the locked user "admin"

Thanks in advance
13 years ago