Christian Haag

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since Jan 15, 2002
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Recent posts by Christian Haag

i have the following data: A big number of choices with 10 subchoices for each and 10 subsubchoices. Now I want a component where i can choose one of this 10000 choices. A simple menu is not good because of the 100 choices in the first menu. So i tried to use a JComboBox. But i failed to get the sub- and subsubchoices displayed when an item in the combo is selected. Any suggestions?
22 years ago
Thanks. The Script successfully starts the Application Client in my ear file on the linux machine (with WebSphere 4.0 installed). On NT i have WS Studio Application Developer. When I try to start launchclient.bat it gives me an java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/ibm/crypto/provider/IBMJCE
Are there any paths to set? (On linux there was everything set).
Here is my launchclient.bat:
@echo off
REM Usage: launchClient [<ear-file> | -help | -?]
call "%~dp0setupCmdLine.bat"
@REM CONSOLE_ENCODING controls the output encoding used for stdout/stderr
@REM console - encoding is correct for a console window
@REM file - encoding is the default file encoding for the system
@REM <other> - the specified encoding is used. e.g. Cp1252, Cp850, SJIS
SET CONSOLE_ENCODING=-Dws.output.encoding=console
"%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" %CONSOLE_ENCODING% %CLIENTSAS% -Dserver.root="%WAS_HOME%" -Dws.ext.dirs=%WAS_EXT_DIRS% -Djava.naming.factory.initial=%NAMING_FACTORY% -classpath %WAS_CLASSPATH% %*

And here is my setupCmdLine.bat:
SET WAS_HOME=c:\programme\application developer\plugins\
SET JAVA_HOME=c:\programme\application developer\jre
SET ITP_LOC=c:\programme\application developer\plugins\\deploytool\itp
SET DBDRIVER_JARS=c:\programme\SQLLIB\java\
SET DBDRIVER_PATH=c:\programme\SQLLIB\java
SET developer/plugins/
SET developer/plugins/
SET developer/plugins/
SET WAS_EXT_DIRS="%JAVA_HOME%\lib";"%WAS_HOME%\classes";"%WAS_HOME%\lib";"%WAS_HOME%\lib\ext";"%WAS_HOME%\web\help";%DBDRIVER_JARS%
SET WAS_CLASSPATH="%WAS_HOME%\properties";"%WAS_HOME%\lib\bootstrap.jar"
23 years ago
No, i'm not using launchClient.bat
I exported my Application Client as a jar File and then tried to start it, after adding the following jar files to the classpath:
j2ee.jar, rt.jar, myEJB.jar
Must I do it? When yes, then how do I use it?
23 years ago
I wrote an Application Client, which calls a session bean in WebSphere Studio Application Developer. It runs successfully in Studio and I can even call a session bean of a WebSphere server.
Now i tried to export the Application Client and run it without Studio. I'm getting Naming Exception when trying to get the InitialContext. Here is the code:
public static void main(String[] args) {
javax.naming.Context jndiContext = null;
Object obj = null;
Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "");
env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "iiop://localhost:900");
try {
jndiContext = new javax.naming.InitialContext(env);
} catch (javax.naming.NamingException ne) {
System.out.println("Can't get InitialContext");
Any suggestions?
23 years ago
i'm trying to get a connection from WebSphere Studio Application Developer (on NT) to a DB2 V7.2 (on Linux) using the NET Driver. The jdbctest Program from the IBM Homepage is running successfully after I copied the from the Linux to the NT machine. But when I try to get the same connection with Studio I'm getting the error message:
IWAS0126E Problems encountered while trying to establish connection Con1. Reason: 'IWAS0223E The server at 'jdbc b2://' is not a 'DB2 UDB V7.2' database. Ensure the Database Vendor Type matches the version installed on the server and try again.'
The database in fact IS a DB2 UDB V7.2. So what can I do?
23 years ago
i'm trying to get a connection from WebSphere Studio Application Developer (on NT) to a DB2 V7.2 (on Linux) using the NET Driver. The jdbctest Program from the IBM Homepage is running successfully after I copied the from the Linux to the NT machine. But when I try to get the same connection with Studio I'm getting the error message:
IWAS0126E Problems encountered while trying to establish connection Con1. Reason: 'IWAS0223E The server at 'jdbc:Db2://' is not a 'DB2 UDB V7.2' database. Ensure the Database Vendor Type matches the version installed on the server and try again.'
The database in fact IS a DB2 UDB V7.2. So what can I do?
(fixed the jdbc b2 problem - Dave)
[ January 15, 2002: Message edited by: David O'Meara ]