Green Lantern

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since Jul 12, 2011
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Recent posts by Green Lantern

Solved.. stopcellediting method should be called before editing any of the cells in the table. else the changes wont reflect, as the cel is in FOCUS or highlighted.
12 years ago
I gave a SYSOUT in getTableCellRendererComponent method, which draws the table. It is NOT drawing the cell(row) which is highlighted. Any idea why this is happening?

I do not know the entire code. I am just maintaining the code
12 years ago
is it locked or something when it is in focus?
12 years ago
hi Guys, I am fairly new to Applets, I am facing a peculiar problem with a applet. Let me explain in breif

I have a file upload appet, in which there is a file name, comments field and a checkbox.

I also have a global comments textarea where i can type a comment , check all/any of the file and update the comments.

Normally it works fine, when i tick any/all the files. BUT when i select any comments field in the file row, (highlight/textarea is in focus)
and then give update the comments from the global option, only that comment field is NOT updated. Rest all the comments field for other files are updated!

is there anything to do with the event handler/listener? i tried removing the focus/requesting focus to some other row but it is not working..

any suggestions?
12 years ago