mahadev ramalingam

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since Jan 15, 2002
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I've a client program which accesses a https url.
I set the certificate password settings using system.setproperty() method.
If I run the program in a multithreaded environment, the server validates the certificate credentials only for the first time. that is, for the first thread.

Since I need to simulate a realtime scenario,
I need to make the server check the credentials for every thread. any idea on how to do that?

I used a wrapper using runtime class by invoking new jvm for every thread. but, I can't run large number of threads that way.

had to use jdk1.4 and hence couldn't use System.clearProperty to re-set the properties in every thread.

I tried setting some other certificate credentials for other thread, but server doesn't check second time, from the same jvm.
16 years ago
hi henry,

Yes. there is a . in the expression.
Exact phrase is : (^ABC)[A-Za-z0-9]*(?!.)

I didn't add the $ at the end, because, for my specific requirement, any extension wasn't required.

I had to use regex, as the adapter picks up based on a configuration, which has to be regex.
17 years ago
hi Jim,

I totally agree. I did realize the mistake after you pointed out the mistake. ("start != end")
17 years ago
hi henry,

Sorry if I confused you.

May be I didn't put in the question correct.

Example: filename.ext
here, prefix is file and suffix is .ext
I needed my adapter to match and pick all the files with names starting with the prefix(in this case 'file') but it should not pick the files with name ending with suffix. (in this case, .ext).

If I'm still confusing you, sorry...
17 years ago
Thanks for the reply...

I got the solution.
I used this :
17 years ago
I'm looking for regular expression, which matches two conditions.
1) Should start with a prefix
2) should not start with a suffix.

First one, I could achieve with ^prefix_
second one, I'm not able to get in the same expression.
I tried this:


But the second half of it doesn't work.
the match gives us the results even if the input string has .suffix at the end.

Can anyone help in this regard?
17 years ago
Using include didn't work as it needs some credentials from my browser which, I could get only from sendRedirect.
May be I need to rethink on my design.
20 years ago
I've a jsp page pageOne.jsp...
from that, I'm redirecting to pageTwo.jsp...
after that, I want the control back to pageOne.jsp!!!
I know that its not possible...still tried for that...
moreover, my pageTwo.jsp is redirecting to pageThree.jsp...
I need the control back in pageOne.jsp...i.e...after redirecting to pageTwo, I've some more statements to be executed...
Is there any other way to do this?
using threads...or any other way...pls help...
I tried forward and include instead of redirecting...but they're not working...
20 years ago
I've a jsp page pageOne.jsp...
from that, I'm redirecting to pageTwo.jsp...
after that, I want the control back to pageOne.jsp!!!
I know that its not possible...still tried for that...
moreover, my pageTwo.jsp is redirecting to pageThree.jsp...
I need the control back in pageOne.jsp...i.e...after redirecting to pageTwo, I've some more statements to be executed...
Is there any other way to do this?
using threads...or any other way...pls help...
I tried forward and include instead of redirecting...but they're not working...
20 years ago
I have my aplication set and running on orion.
In one of my jsp's, I'm adding cookies using response.addCookie("");
and trying to read this value from another jsp.
from the earlier jsp, I used response.sendRedirect(second.jsp) to transfer the control.
my second jsp reads the cookies but I'm getting null values.
Has this got to do anything with the settings of orion???
please help me...
21 years ago
I added a new application in orion application server.
apart from the defaultwebapp in global application, I have my application-name under application and my web-app under my application-name. it has a web-inf and web.xml.
my application also has a meta-inf and application.xml in it.
now, the problem is, I'm not able to call the files in it thru the browser.
before adding this application, i could call the files of default webapp but now, i couldn't call/access any of the fielis. It says internal server error.
can anyone help me out...
or if anyone has a detailed procedure of how to add an unpackaged application into orion?
orion documentation is not clear!!!
21 years ago
place the selected value or index in a hidden text box or in a variable and then assign it to the select box using javascript. this gets selected when the values come from the d/b into the second select box.
Hope this helps u.
22 years ago