Kalichar Rangantittu

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since Jan 15, 2002
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Recent posts by Kalichar Rangantittu

I am hoping to debug code that is deployed on a remote server from RAD. I was wondering if any of you have any good examples the same? I am using WAS 6.0 and RAD 6.0. Any tips would be appreciated.
17 years ago
Hi All,

I have the following EAR file set up.


I am running on JBoss.My MANIFEST.MF contains entries for the items in Test-EAR, i.e., spring.jar, hibernate.jar etc.

When trying to run the application, I get class not found issues etc even though I have all the libraries defined in the MANIFEST.MF file.

My question is, if a class in the web project accesses a class in say spring.jar, the class should be visible and loaded. If the class in spring.jar tries to access a class in hibernate.jar, will the class be visible or not?

What am I missing here. Thanks in advance for any assistance.
How can I create an instance of an InputStream from a String?

String s = "Hello";

InputStream in = new ..(s);

I cannot use Reader.

17 years ago
Sorry about the delay. Yes the actual information comes from the back end.
So we would have two lists, one list of currently assigned items and a second list of items that can be assigned. I want to be able to transfer between one list to another. I am aware that this can be done using javascript. Was checking if someone has implemented where clicking on Add takes one to the Action class and returns?
18 years ago
I have a JSP where in I would like to transfer the contents of one list to another via a button.

Source List Target List
------------ ------------
Foo Bar
Test Add Bar 2
Test 2 Rem Bar 3
Test 4 Bar 4

I am hoping to use dispatch action and JSP to get this to work. Does anyone have a sample JSP and/or suggestions on the best way to accomplish this?

18 years ago
Hi All,

I am a newbie in the SOA/Web Service world. A very simple question regarding a best practice. If I define a Web Service to perform a CRUD operation, then I would need to bleed private data, i.e., uids etc into the public, wouldnt I? For example, if I had a car service, with create, read, update and delete. In order to perform the read/update and delete, I would need to know the uids (assuming car and information therein is stored in a database)? Any thoughts on this would be greately appreciated.

18 years ago
I am using a DispatchAction in my application. I would also like to use the saveToken() isTokenValid() functionality provided by struts.

After a saveToken() call, the resulting page that is displayed has the token of the form <input type="hidden" name="org...TOKEN" value="@$@$@45#$%"/>

When the form is submitted, the action that checks for isTokenValid(request) fails. Why would this occur?
18 years ago
Hi Merril,

Thanks for the assistance. However, I dont understand something. If I were to forward back to the calling page on the invalid token submit, then how will the user get notified of the success/failure of the first submission that had a valid token?

18 years ago
I am a bit confused on the tokens.

For example,

Action 1:
saveToken() and forward to JSP


Action 2:
if (tokenValid) {
} else {


I am confused about the else. When the first submit has been performed, the action class starts processign the same. The second submit must not succeed, however, I dont want to send the user to some error page as they need to know the results of the first submit when it completes.

What am I missing here?
18 years ago
Hi All,

I am hoping to create a Form in an Action, populate it with information and forward to a JSP. In struts-config we define the form to used with an Action and I beleive that Struts RequestProcessor automatically creates a form bean based of the action mapping. I dont want the Request processor to create the form bean but want to create it an initialize it myself.

ActionForm form = new MyActionForm();

request.setAttribute("myActionForm", form);

I know the above can be done, but if my struts-config.xml defines the form, will a second instance of the form get created?
18 years ago
I have an application that does a create and edit of a Business object using JSPs. What is the best practice, separate the content into two separate JSPs, or one single JSP assuming the forms to be submitted are identical?

With separate JSPs, on the create, I would not need to check whether the object to fill out the text fields and selected combo boxes etc is existent in the scope?

For example, on an edit, I do the following:

request.setAttribute("user", userObject);

then in the page, I would use JSTL to display the contents. However, on a new, the user object would not be in the request scope, so in the JSP I would need to keep checking if the user exists or not.

18 years ago

Disabling a submit button via javascript will not let a user submit the form more than once? The token mechanism is a server side check. What are the pros-cons of either approach?
18 years ago
What is the best practice on using isTokenValid()? Does one use if for all form posts to check for duplicate or only on those that issue a transaction like Save or Update? In other words does a search need to use the token checking on form post?

18 years ago
Hi All,

Does anyone implemented wizards navigation with Struts, i.e., pages having next/previous. If so, any caveats or suggestions or experiences would be greately appreciated. Did you have one single action for a task using Dispatch action or multiple separate actions? Any frameworks for the same?

Thanks in advance.
18 years ago
Thanks guys, thats actually what I am doing as of the moment. I was hoping however to use the <bean:message> directly. Thanks for the assistance though.
18 years ago