greeshma silam

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since Jul 13, 2011
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Recent posts by greeshma silam

Hello All,

I a using JSF 2 and Spring 3. Is it possible to use Spring Controller and just use JSF as Presentation layer views.

13 years ago
Thanks got it

Please clarify if I can go with panelgrid with two columns when creating a form to align all the form fields instead of creating CSS to align the labels and the the textfields

Last Name : John
First name : Smith
Address : 123
Line 2 : 234

13 years ago
Awesome thank you... but how can we display a static field in JSF that is not editable but should be readable by screen reader(508 compliant)

First Name : John
Last Name: Smith

13 years ago
Thank you all for clarifying my questions, So I conclude and will practice not to use HTML tags in JSF pages unless necessary.

I have a requirement to divide the screen into 2 columns and each column has some form fields. I was using divs and CSS float to style the form fields and align the fields. I was wondering if I can use h:panelgrid to divide into 2 columns but I am afraid it will render the table tags ....I am not sure if I have to use CSS or panelGrid

Thank you All.
13 years ago
Hello All,

What is alternative to use html label tag in JSF ...As my application needs to be 508 compliant I have to associate a label to each form can I do that in JSF

13 years ago
I was looking into Spring Framework to generate non HTMl output and found AbstractPdfView....

I am not sure how I can use iText library...If you can provide me a sample code to start with it will be very helpful to me

13 years ago
Thanks for your response. That really helps, I will try to use JSF tags as much as I can in my code and avoid HTML tags, but I was wondering h:panelGrid renders <table></table> and I have seen it being used in many examples such as even login page that has only 2 form fields ...are they being used for styling ...I think it is better to use CSS to align the form fields ...correct me if I am wrong ...Please find the example below

<h:panelGrid columns="2" >
<h:inputSecret id="password"/>

13 years ago
Hello All,

I am writing a template for form elements and using it in my form so that I can directly pass the label name and form field element instead of repeating required field note and other styles that are common to most fields. But as our web application has to be 508 compliant I have to have a 'for' attribute for label and I am stuck to define 'for' value for each label. Please find the code below:

template code:
<ui:composition xmlns:ui="">
<div class="up">
<label class="label">
<span class="required">*</span><ui:insert name="label"/>
<span class="width"><ui:insert /></span>

jsf page
<legend>Enter Credentials</legend>
<ui:decorate template="/templates/fieldProperty.xhtml">
<ui:define name="label">Name:</ui:define>
<h:inputText value="" id="name"/>
<ui:decorate template="/templates/property.xhtml">
<ui:define name="label">Password</ui:define>
<h:inputText value="" id="password"/>
<div class="button-div">
<h:commandButton value="Login" action="welcome" />

13 years ago
Hello All,

Can we use regular HTML 'div' and 'span' tags in JSF ?
13 years ago
Hi All,

Our project uses JSF2, Spring3, Hibernate3. We want to use JSF only as a view and still follow Spring's Controller. Using eclipse I created a Dynamic web project and chose JSF 2, so it created a JSF project for me, I added Spring Nature to the project and added the following code in faces-config.xml.


How can still use Spring controller and JSF as View.

13 years ago
Hello All,

Our project uses JSF 2, Spring 3. I was wondering if there is any way to generate a pdf from JSF page. Basically we have to preview the report generated in a pdf format with some options to Save/Submit buttons on the report. I really appreciate if anyone can post a sample code or suggest any possible solutions

13 years ago
Hello All,

We have some dynamic form elements displayed based on a code selected on the page, so we are planning to see if we can write a custom tag to render the HTML elements on the screen dynamically. We get the field name, type and value from the Database, so based on the type of the field that particular form element should be added to the page. Is it doable and if yes I really appreciate if someone has a sample code for me to start of.

We are using JSF, Spring.

13 years ago
Thanks for your reply.
13 years ago
Hello All,

I am working on a project that is planning to use JSF, Spring and Hibernate on eclipse IDE. Is there any way I can make use of dropins folder to download the all the jar files for spring/hibernate/jsf so that I can share the library files or do I have to copy to lib folder.

13 years ago