This week's book giveaway is in the Java in General forum.
We're giving away four copies of Helidon Revealed: A Practical Guide to Oracle’s Microservices Framework and have Michael Redlich on-line!
See this thread for details.

Vibha Verma

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since Jan 15, 2002
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Recent posts by Vibha Verma

I am trying to access Oracle from my Java code ( I am using Netbeans IDE), but I need to provide host and port for the connection with Oracle. Could anybosy please help me where should I look for these parameters.

17 years ago
Could somebody please suggest me good reading material on Oracle 10g.

17 years ago
Could anyone please suggest some good XML using XQuery trial projects?

Could anyone please send me a link from where I could download a freeXML Parser.

I am trying to follow the instructions specified in the Sun's tutorial -

But I am not able to do it successfully. From the HTML when I submit the request, I get the error that it is not able to find the specific method from the servlet.

Could anyone please help insolving this problem.


I am working on the problem which involves using DOM to parse XML file and then using JDBC store the relevant data in the Oracle database. First part of the problem is done - parsing the file. For the second part I am very confused as to how to go about it as XML is a hierarchical data and Oracle is a relational data. How can I do this mapping.

For example, my XML file looks like this
<age>... </age>

What I want to do is to create a table with the name - my_info and then create columns like first_name, last_name, age, address. But how do I handle the issue that the column name should be first_name and last_name and not name. In some other case I might need to have the column name to be name and not first_name and last_name. Is there somegeneral way to work on such type of problems.

Please help.
Can the parameter of function/procedure be of type %ROWTYPE?

If so, then can we call that function (with parameter %ROWTYPE) from a SQL statement?

Please reply.
20 years ago

I am not able to find any reading material for these topics. Could anyone please send me some links/pointers for the same.


Manipulating Large Objects
[ ] Compare and contrast LONG and large object (LOB) data types
[ ] Create and maintain LOB data types
[ ] Differentiate between internal and external LOBs
[ ] Identify and Manage Bfiles: Create directories, Use Bfiles, Load Bfiles, Use Bfilename Function
[ ] Migrate from LONG To LOB
[ ] Use the DBMS_LOB PL/SQL package
[ ] Create LOB columns and populate them
[ ] Perform SQL operations on LOBS: Update LOBs with SQL, Select from LOBS, Delete LOBS
[ ] Describe the use of temporary LOBs

Managing Dependencies
[ ] Track procedural dependencies
[ ] Describe dependent objects and referenced objects
[ ] Define local dependencies
[ ] View dependency information in the dictionary views
[ ] Describe how the UTLDTREE script is used
[ ] Describe how the IDEPTREE and DEPTREE procedures are used
[ ] Describe a remote dependency
[ ] List how remote dependencies are governed
[ ] Describe when a remote dependency is unsuccessfully recompiled
[ ] Describe when a remote dependency is successfully recompiled
[ ] List how to minimize dependency failures
20 years ago
You will get info regarding this from the following site address.
To clarify it I talked to one of the Oracle people too. 007 and 147 will make you Oracle9i PL/SQL Developer Certified Associate. And to become OCP you need to appear for one more exam -
Exam #1Z0-141 Oracle9i Forms Developer: Build Internet Applications
I hope this helps.
20 years ago
Sure, follow this link to get the syllabus for 147
All the best
20 years ago
Congrats Trupti. I had the same score and used the same book for the preparation. I also felt that the book is sufficient to just pass the exam but not to score high percentage. Anyway, congrats once again. So what next - 147?
I have started prepairing for 147 from the book - Oracle 9i PL/SQL programming.
20 years ago
Does anyone has any idea what is the differnece between these two exams - 101 and 147. Both are on PL/SQL. I am preparing for 147 and there is no book for that exam from the certification point of view. But there is one for the 101 exam. I am just asking this if I could use that book for the 147.
Currently I am following the book Oracle 9i PL/SQL Programming for the preparation. I was thinking of the certification book for the practice sample exams etc.
20 years ago
I wrote these commands with "set verify on" (which is default)
SQL> define majorValue = 'Music';
SQL>select * from students where "major" = '&majorValue';
The result that I get is:
old 1: select * from students where "major" = '&majorValue'
new 1: select * from students where "major" = 'Music'
id first_name last_name
---------- -------------------- --------------------
major current_credits
------------------------------ ---------------
10007 David Dinsmore
Music 4
10009 Rose Riznit
Music 7
But if I give the same commands with "set verify off", the response that I get is:

id first_name last_name
---------- -------------------- --------------------
major current_credits
------------------------------ ---------------
10007 David Dinsmore
Music 4
10009 Rose Riznit
Music 7
Only difference is that in the second case it doesn't show the old and new values, that means the one with the variable and then with the replaced variable name with the value.
old 1: select * from students where "major" = '&majorValue'
new 1: select * from students where "major" = 'Music'

IT won;t make any difference in the output that you get but its just for you to see which variable is getting replaced by which value.
I hope this helps.
20 years ago
I might not have the correct information but I checked from the Oracle people regarding the Developer path in which there are four exams:
1. Oracle 9i SQL
2. Oracle 9i PL/SQL
3. Internet applications 1
4. Internet applications 2
For these exams, no course is required. You can prepare on you own at home and then appear for the exam.
I am not sure about the other certifications.
20 years ago
Could anypne please give me some pointers for the preparation of this exam. How should I go about it? Any good sites/books/reading material that could help?
I have bought the book - Oracle 9i PL/SQL Programming (Oracle press) and statred implementing some examples.
Is this book sufficient and good enough for general understanding and for the exam point of view?
Any suggestions would be helpful.
20 years ago