Pradeep allada

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since Jul 28, 2011
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Recent posts by Pradeep allada

no name and address are the fields belongs to Employee like employee name and employee address

I have tried like this
I don't know whether it is correct or not

and to convert them to List

12 years ago

Is it possible to convert Map<String,String> to ArrayList<Employee>?

Employee is a class which has name and address fields of type String.
12 years ago
I have developed my own translation(from any language to english) web application using google translate api.jar file.

but this application is not working without internet. can anyone help me please?
thanks in advance.
have you tried instructions given by Mr. Abhinav Kumar Mishra,
check it once
13 years ago

Angus Comber wrote:Ah should be

guess if you don't define default could be private. .

default access specifier is default only not the private

13 years ago

bhanu chowdary wrote:
appropriate scope variable and use it in your JSP to display the value in the other textarea.

thank you bhanu chowdary it is now working...
13 years ago
Thank you Vijitha Kumara for your answer
but I don't know about ajax. Is there any other way to handle this?
13 years ago
I have a form page having two textarea fields(t1,t2), one for input(t1) and the other for output(t2) and a button.
I want to know when I click the button I need output of second textarea(t2) from servlet page.
how to do that?
please help me....
13 years ago
I wanted to develop a web application to translate given strings from any language to English using Google translator api

can you please help me?

Jeanne Boyarsky wrote:

1) Have a last modified user/time on each row and show the user a list of changes since last login made by the admin.

k, do we have to use triggers here or else any other option is there?

can we get any benefit by using log files?

if yes, how?
Thak you for the reply Jeanne Boyarsky

k I will post it in AJAX.
In my project I have an administrator who can modify total db.
and some clients who can modify their own database.

how can a client know that changes done by the administrator without his permission.
how to write code for changes occured in the data base to our web application automatically when we open.

ThanQ man It's working perfectly....
13 years ago