Fei Ng

Ranch Hand
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since Aug 26, 2000
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Recent posts by Fei Ng

I guess, implementing means learning/studying the ins and outs of these Graph Algorithms. "Using" means showing the usages by examples, real world examples. Maybe it is half and half.
If my friend asked me how to make espresso I would brush he or her off. My friends are not as smart or as cool as me and they are annoying.
8 years ago
It is not not normal. Back in college, I feel 90% of software engineer students are like that, even the girls. So, thats pretty normal. But I have changed since I get am a lot older now. BTW, how old are you?

9 years ago
I want to break 18min in 5K. Should that be a resolution or hope?
9 years ago
Is BDD a must nowadays? Does it speed up developing time? From what I am seeing BDD takes a lot of time before you even write a single line of code. What if the requirements/Behavior changes? Do you start all over again? And BDD looks a lot like TDD which is confusing.
11 years ago
I bet you do too! Coming here and reading makes me smile! You people rocks!

oh.. i can write meaningless stuff... cool!
11 years ago
i would like to see a picture of your goldfish. Does she have a name?
11 years ago
What is your experience with clients when doing BDD? Does your client like the idea? helping your client and you gather the requirement features quick an seamless? Does it feel burdensome when you code? with the extra work and etc.. etc..
Any hate/love relationship with BDD/TDD? cool stories?
11 years ago

Mike Simmons wrote:I love the show and the comic. The show follows the comics closely a lot of the time, but also has some substantial deviations from the comic - especially the last couple episodes. I think that's good - fans of the comic can still be surprised along the way.

Mike! What did the scientist whisper to Rick at the end of season one? I must know!
13 years ago
ah... so he is married.
13 years ago
I don't use twitter and I don't like news.
13 years ago
Watch what your diet/eat and skip the supplements, it isn't really necessary. Working out and going to the gym for health is totally different from body building. And yeah, girls love to watch me in the gym.
13 years ago
Do you whisper too while doodling?
13 years ago
C Language is OO if you like to structure it that way. Thats why we have Objective C. OOB is a concept, an add-on.
13 years ago