Mahajan Nikhil

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since Jul 30, 2011
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Java Timer class is there. But it does not covers all aspects of scheduling. Quartz scheduler is itself a java api for scheduling jobs. With this you can even create triggers for recurring events and many more features are there.
Pass the object of HttpServletRequest in your controller methods along with your model object.

For example,

public String test(Model model, HttpServletRequest request) {

final HttpSession session = request.getSession();

//Your code goes here


13 years ago
You need to configure scheduler for this. Try out this.

Try accessing your element in this way.

Attribute 'colume' is spelled wrong . It should be 'column'. Hence your tag would be

<discriminator colume="PMODE" type="java.lang.String" length="10" />

I hope that solves your prob.