arun sahni

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Recent posts by arun sahni

21 years ago
The datasource is bind in java local name and can not access outside its JVM. You can search JBoss forum for info. I have checked sometime back in thread .
I hope this will help.
21 years ago
I have made changes in guide based on user feedback. Now it covers the following
-Basic setup of JBoss application server
-Setup of XDoclet
-First web application.
-First session bean.
-First CMP bean.
-First use of JMS as resource
-First MDB
-First Mail
You can download it from my home page
Good luck for Jboss learning.
[ February 19, 2003: Message edited by: arun sahni ]
21 years ago
I am not sure about samples but you can try samples with setup explained in chapter 1 of my guide.
22 years ago
Thanks for feedback. I did not have BMP example with my samples.I will include BMP sample in my next release of guide.
I persume you are building your own example. I need some additional information :
What is the version of XDoclet are you using?
Are you able to compile the source file without Ant script?
What are the errors?
Are you able to compile samples with guide?
22 years ago
You can try Lomboz plugin with eclipse for developing J2EE application. Which is available at:
I hope this will help.
22 years ago
You can try my start level guide ,which can be downloaded here.
22 years ago
I am not sure why you want to use datasource outside server JVM. If you want to use for connection pooling then better go with some other package.
If you want to write database oriented applcation then use CMP/BMP then client will not access database direclty .
22 years ago
The message shows it is bound to jndi. The datasource in JBoss is bound to jndi for local transaction and its datasource can not access out side the jvm in which JBoss is runing. You can find more info in
This problem I mentioned in my start level guide which can be downloaded here.
Happy JBossing.
[ January 16, 2003: Message edited by: arun sahni ]
22 years ago
You can try from my Home Page
Let me know if you still face problem.
[ January 14, 2003: Message edited by: arun sahni ]
22 years ago
I am writing guide titled Start using JBoss with XDoclet, which can be downloaded from
Please send me any comments for its improvement.
22 years ago
I wrote Start using JBoss with XDoclet, which you can download from
This is beginers level guide to help start using JBoss.
22 years ago
If you want to pursue 483 , you can directly go ahead. If you are experienced and comfortable with RMI,JDBC,servlet and JSP then directly go for J2EE. If you are new then it is better to first go for SWCD then 483. If you first take SWCD then you are only handling J2EE technologies and have some experience with admin of container like tomcat or other you are using.
Divide and conquer policy is applicable every where.
I think it is more of Oracle where you have to take mandatory courses.
I got it around 11:00 AM but I am wondering if any body got voucher after 15:00hrs (3PM EST).