Angela D'souza

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since Jan 16, 2002
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Recent posts by Angela D'souza

what is difference between IT director and IT Technical Manager?
14 years ago

Jaikiran Pai wrote:

Angela D'souza wrote:
I heard:
Website, eCommerce, SEO, IT consulting, Business Process Outsourcing, Hardware, Software Services are being outsource. Then what is wrong in my statement?

Again, not all jobs within those categories will be outsourced. For various reasons some jobs within those categories you mention might be outsourced, but not all. And things like this having been going on for years now, it's nothing new - so why this sudden desperation?

In above categories:
Programmers jobs, Manager jobs, Designer jobs, Architecture jobs are being outsource. Also, outsourcing ratio is increasing so much in these jobs. People are being laid off due this reason.
14 years ago

Jaikiran Pai wrote:

What exactly are you worried about? People moving back to India?

I am offering all website, SEO, ecommerce related services. Whenever i contact client they expecting me to offer services at outsource rate. If don't offer that cheaper price, they are not coming to me as nowadays they get outsourcing freelance at cheapest rate. So i am not making. That's why i was asking what other IT services my company can offer which can not be outsource.

Thank You,
14 years ago

Bear Bibeault wrote:Jobs of every kind are not being outsourced. Jobs of every kind probably are.

It's ridiculous to assert that all jobs are being outsourced. Just because most could be, doesn't mean that they are.

Or, are you just not being clear and are talking about job types rather than job instances?

Job Types like Software, IT consulting, Web related, hardware related jobs being outsource. I am offering website, ecommece, SEO services. When i contact client they are expecting me to offer services at very cheaper rate because my competitiors are all freelancers outside USA. So i want to know which other services i can offer which can't be outsource.
14 years ago

Bear Bibeault wrote:Jobs of every kind are not being outsourced. Jobs of every kind probably are.

It's ridiculous to assert that all jobs are being outsourced. Just because most could be, doesn't mean that they are.

I heard:
Website, eCommerce, SEO, IT consulting, Business Process Outsourcing, Hardware, Software Services are being outsource. Then what is wrong in my statement?
14 years ago

Balaji Loganathan wrote:

Angela D'souza wrote:As Everything is being outsource to India, as all IT big companies opening center in India and so many engineers are going back to India , WHAT WILL BE HOT IT JOB MARKET IN USA THEN?

Wake up.
Simply speaking, everything cannot be outsourced to India.

Please do proper analysis.

Can you tell me as an example which IT jobs can't be outsource and not being outsource?
14 years ago

Bear Bibeault wrote:Do you seriously expect an answer to that? Are you seriously asserting that there are no jobs that aren't being out-sourced? My job, for example, is a direct result of a company that reversed its policy of outsourcing.

Yes, I am really looking for an answer as i really need help. Everyday either i heard or read that most of companies are opening their location in India. Also, I read that SF had very big job fair to hire people in India. So So based on this I assume that more and more If I can ask what you do and company? Can you please let me know which types of IT jobs are not being outsource please?

14 years ago

Bear Bibeault wrote:I can assure you that everything is not being outsourced to India. In fact, I see quite the opposite trend.

What IT work is not being outsource ?
14 years ago
I have two educational background: 1. Microbiology, Medical Technologist, Phlebotomist 2. Bachelor & Masters in Computer.

I started my career in 1993 with biology and worked three yrs in laboratory. Then changed my career to computers in 1998. As market that time was boomig, i worked for [a company] 3 yrs and [a company] for 4 yrs till 2004. Then i got baby boy with some medical condition which required me to be home for 5 yrs. In last 5 yrs, i have started IT start up company which provided website design, SEO, Ecommerce solutions and also i finished PMP license. Now my son is Ok but IT market in US is not good!

I am very confused:
-- Which way i should go IT PM job or biology jobs in US?. Which one will be more reliable market in USA?
-- As nowadays website services available at so cheaper rate, should I increase any more services in my startup IT company (which may be hot in market in future in US) to make my IT company successful?

Please help me out with good suggestions as i am very critical point in my career life.

Thank You,

[moderator edit: real company names are not allowed.]
14 years ago
As Everything is being outsource to India, as all IT big companies opening center in India and so many engineers are going back to India , WHAT WILL BE HOT IT JOB MARKET IN USA THEN?
14 years ago
How to find market rate of any programmer? Is their any site to find out?

14 years ago
We are startup IT sole prioprioter company. We have one project for which we are preparing proposal. If we get project, we want to hire consultant. But in proposal we have to show consultant resumes. How we can show their resumes without hiring them in proposal? Is their any form we can fill and talk to consultant to show their resume. Do i need to get their permission to show their resumes?

Please let me know,
14 years ago

What other things i need to start IT consulting business?

You need capital/financing. There are many expenses associated with starting and then running a business. For starters, you should
have at least $25,000 and should have living expenses covered for at least a year. There are special government grants for women and minority owners. Another source of income are your local banks. Finally, you can use your own credit to finance the startup.

Learn about the benefits of incorporating your business. This will help with marketing and advertising. If your business is not legitimate and registered, then you are simply a freelance contractor looking for work.

Good luck!

I have registered my company and have license too. I don't have take care of house & all other expenses as it is taken by my husband. So still i need $25000? If yes, for what?

Thank you,

15 years ago

James Clarks wrote:California sounds fun. I suggest that you incorporate the business as soon as possible, if you have not done this already. The best state to incorporate in is Delaware, in my opinion. They have the most protective business laws and lowest fees. For more info, please visit:

Best of luck finding clients!

As I live in Los Angeles, California, i have to start business in Los Angeles.

Can someone help in finding requirement to start IT consulting business? I have question like:
-- First can i start from home office?
-- Do I need any license? ( I have business license and i have proprietary)
-- What other things i need to start IT consulting business?
-- Is there any special requirement to California state?

Please help me out...

15 years ago

James Clarks wrote:What country do you plan to start a consulting business in?

California, USA
15 years ago