pal kandy

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since Jan 17, 2002
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Recent posts by pal kandy

thanx Thomas.
though it was a rather easy way, i was looking
for some instant solution. i did the way u've
written...i got the answer.
thanx for your instant reply.
22 years ago
hi everybody,
i'm going thru example struts application from jakarta
site.the servlet code generated for index.jsp page
creates different tags and calls doStartTag() on them.
this method returns some constant values to jsp implementation class. implementation of doStartTag()
in all tag classes returns int values '0' or '1' or '2'
whatever. but in the jsp implementation class the constant
returned from doStartTag() method is compared with
constants like 'Tag.SKIP_BODY' or 'BodyTag.EVAL_BODY_BUFFERED'. now how shud i come to know
what is the integer value of 'Tag.SKIP_BODY' or 'BodyTag.EVAL_BODY_BUFFERED'?
is there any way other than system.out statements?
pl. provide some guidelines.
thanx & regards
22 years ago
hi valentine,
i've changed my publicly displayed name.
thanx to u & mag for the clarifications.
still the difference is vague after my reading the JLS also.
wht JLS says is ---
This compile-time checking for the presence of exception handlers is designed to reduce the number of exceptions which are not properly handled.(abt chkd exceptions)
The information available to a compiler, and the level of analysis the compiler performs, are usually not sufficient to establish that such run-time exceptions cannot occur, even though this may be obvious to the programmer. Requiring such exception classes to be declared would simply be an irritation to programmers.(abt unchkd exceptions)
my question is if language implementers wanted to allow programmers to handle exceptional situations
by means of handler code, then why the runtime exceptions shud not be also declared in the method definitions & handled by code as the case of chkd exceptions, bcos the possibility of occurrence of chkd exceptions is same as that of runtime exceptions.
somebody please help me understand the difference between checked exceptions & unchecked exceptions. why checked exceptions only need be declared in a java program & not the runtime exceptions?
any input will be appreciated
hi all,
2.6.3 Referential Integrity
If two references to an object are passed from one JVM to another JVM
in parameters (or in the return value) in a single remote method call
and those references refer to the same object in the sending JVM, those
references will refer to a single copy of the object in the receiving
JVM. More generally stated: within a single remote method call, the RMI
system maintains referential integrity among the objects passed as
parameters or as a return value in the call.
this is the para from sun's RMI specs.can any one
explain me the para? in wht case/s a remote method wud pass or return two references to same object?
22 years ago
ok. i've changed my register name from pal75 to pal k. i hope that satisfies the requirements of naming policy used here.
hi Den,
all the info regarding active ports on Windows platforms is given by netstat command. if u r looking to see this info thru some java program then u'll have to use Runtime class to execute this in command prompt.
hi lewin,
when serversocket.accept() returns a socket object on receiving a client request, the new socket object is associated with a port on server my doubt is that this port is the same one with which the serversocket object is associated. so same port linked to serversocket & the new socket object. this gives rise to conflict in my mind - how the data- which consists of client requests for serversocket & data for the new socket object - will be separated as both socket objects have same port associated with them. OR
these two r totally different connections that's why sockets can be associated with same numbered port, i wonder.
hi all,
i've a very basic doubt -
one port is associated with only one unique socket object or it can be associated with multiple socket/serversocket objects?
any help will be greatly appreciated.