I am trying to write a pattern but seems its not matching
I have
the pattern should start with http://localhost:8080/nn/searchengine/Jobs/ then should be followed by integer then optionally might contain another slash and any other char/String after this is irrelevant. The pattern should match
I have to store a Java object into an application scope. I am to decide
between two possible implementations viz.:
1. use a class with some static properties and some static accessor methods
which can be accessed by any JSP/servlet thread. The shared (application )
object will be there in the static property and will be accessed by the
static methods.
2. use ServletContext's getAttribute() and setAttribute() methods.Store the values in Application Scope
I am from a Seam/JSF1 Environment. I configured my Bean using annotation but could not access the class from my JSP page
the class i defined is as follows
Please at what run level does the contents in profile run. Basically i have this start up script that i want to run after the contents of profile have been executed
i have an Application. The EJBs are bundled into a jar file and the web application is bundled to a war file and everything is bundled into an EAR file. I noticed whenever i make changes to my web application(Either to the Struts Files or the JSPs) I don't really need to restart my Server. but whenever i make changes to the EJBs i need to restart. I am using ANT by the way to build the Jars,Wars and EAR and also to deploy (copy) the ear to the deploy directory.
is there any settings i need to make to enable Hot deployment for EJB
I have an Object that has a composite ID (made up of three items) FirstName, lastName and SSN. The requirement is that a user can modify the firstName. Considering that the firstName is part of the Primary Key. It means i have to delete the current Object and create a new Object based on the deleted Object. How do I tackle this in Hibernate