Abiodun Adisa

Ranch Hand
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since Jan 17, 2002
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Recent posts by Abiodun Adisa

I have the folowing entry in the database

and i will like it to display on my web page, it should escape the html and the word this needs to be bold,

I have tried h:outputText , escapeHtml ="true" and escapeHtml="false" and the word this is not bold

Please how do i resolve this
12 years ago
Please in JSf 2 how do i get a method to execute as soon as the Server finishes loading up. I can do this in seam 2, But how do i do same in JSF2
12 years ago
I am trying to write a pattern but seems its not matching

I have

the pattern should start with http://localhost:8080/nn/searchengine/Jobs/ then should be followed by integer then optionally might contain another slash and any other char/String after this is irrelevant. The pattern should match

12 years ago
I am using Liferay 6.1 ,JSF2 and i am trying to obtain the ActionResponse from within my bean

I have

but anytime i run i get this exception

please what am i doing wrong

12 years ago
I have to store a Java object into an application scope. I am to decide
between two possible implementations viz.:

1. use a class with some static properties and some static accessor methods
which can be accessed by any JSP/servlet thread. The shared (application )
object will be there in the static property and will be accessed by the
static methods.

2. use ServletContext's getAttribute() and setAttribute() methods.Store the values in Application Scope

Which is better
14 years ago
I am from a Seam/JSF1 Environment. I configured my Bean using annotation but could not access the class from my JSP page
the class i defined is as follows

14 years ago
Please at what run level does the contents in profile run. Basically i have this start up script that i want to run after the contents of profile have been executed
14 years ago
I want to write a script called say test.sh that when i execute it it would change the user logged in to root
Please how do i accomplish this
14 years ago
i have an Application. The EJBs are bundled into a jar file and the web application is bundled to a war file and everything is bundled into an EAR file. I noticed whenever i make changes to my web application(Either to the Struts Files or the JSPs) I don't really need to restart my Server. but whenever i make changes to the EJBs i need to restart. I am using ANT by the way to build the Jars,Wars and EAR and also to deploy (copy) the ear to the deploy directory.

is there any settings i need to make to enable Hot deployment for EJB
14 years ago
I used to deploy my Struts 2 app on Websphere 6.1 without getting this error messages but whenever i loaded them on Jboss4.2 I keep getting

Even though the APplication still runs fine
14 years ago
I have an Object that has a composite ID (made up of three items) FirstName, lastName and SSN. The requirement is that a user can modify the firstName. Considering that the firstName is part of the Primary Key. It means i have to delete the current Object and create a new Object based on the deleted Object. How do I tackle this in Hibernate

Many thanks in advance
I am using Websphere V6.1 , Struts2 and Jasper plugin to create reports, Though the PDF report is displayed I keep getting this
stack trace

Please how can i resolve this
15 years ago
Does using generics as in List<String> improve performance

15 years ago
I have this Hibernate Query

When it runs it returns 0 result but when i Copy the generated SQL and run , it returns the right result, what can i be doing wrong here
Please how do i write this query using Hibernate

Select * from People where firstName like 'A%' or lastname like 'C%' or middleName like 'x%'

I have already created the object People. Any Help would be apppreciated