Ana Gari

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since Aug 19, 2011
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Are you asking the possibility of using dependency injection in JSF managed beans to access EJBs ? If so, yes, you can.
JSF managed beans support the dependency injection feature. JSF components running in Web container (Java EE 5) can access the components running in EJB container
thro’ dependency injection without requiring to use JNDI look up as web container is aware of annotations. The following articles will explain the same
i would suggest IBM Test 000-667: Architectural Design of SOA Solutions,
13 years ago
see the reply I got from Oracle ;

I asked the below questions :

I need to submit my assignment( part 2 for 1Z0-865). What is the procedure ?
Shall I use Pearson Vue website to upload jar file or shall I send a Jar file to you
in the email attachment ?

I am planning to upload/send my part 2 on Sep 27, can I take the exam (part 3)
on the same day? I mean how long it will take to get update into the system ?
Whom should I contact in this regard as I don’t have much waiting time before
Sep 30? Can I reserve a slot for part 3 before I can submit part 2?

Their reply is below ;

Please note if you have purchased the assignment from Pearson Vue, you can go ahead and upload the assignment on Pearson Vue web site. Please let us know if you have purchased the assignment from Prometric. You do not need to email the assignment jar file to us.

You will be able to schedule the essay exam right after uploading the assignment .jar file. You will not be able to schedule / reserve for the Part III essay exam before uploading the assignment.

Feel free to revert if you have further queries on this.

OCP Team

Hope this helps to clear your doubts

I got the same thought as you, but don't dare to implement. I am in the middle of my assignment
Have you shown Calssname: instancename in your class diagram to mirror the domain model.

Thanks for your response in advance
you should click on "Master assignment" link to download, not on non-proctored exam link

Try again & good luck

"Registering for non-proctored exam with Pearson VUE it gives error as "This application has encountered an unexpected problem"

Have you decided to take part2 ? I suggest go ahead and give a try with best of your ability