Bharat Kasodariya

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since Aug 19, 2011
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Recent posts by Bharat Kasodariya

"" param is missing in your web.xml
12 years ago
are those jars in classpath? you can check it from eclipse run config.
is that complete log from starting?
12 years ago
implemented it by using hibernate filter.
12 years ago
Thanks All.
I needed it at data level for viewing data as per user. I have used hibernate as an ORM. I tried it by using global filter feature of hibernate. It seems ok with it.
12 years ago
Normally, hashcode and equal are used to implement own equal rules. unique value field is used in hashcode calculation. hashcode is used in hashing api like hashmap.
As per equal and hashcode contract if two object are equal then their hashcode must be same and they will go in same bucket.

In real time use x should be unique in your case

for your reference
Thanks Henrik,

I agreed its application layer related change. I just asked because I thought may be some one might have seen such type of api.
If it is available then can get some new thought but if it is not then we have to add by our own implementation.

you might have heard about Athena framework which really has this feature.
12 years ago
Actually, I have developed ERP app in Vaadin+Hibernate. Now I want to put multitenancy support without major change in existing code.
Like for the authentication support people can use spring security kind of framework.So is there any api which I can plugin in to the app?
12 years ago
It might be on wrong port.
check your server.xml for the port
12 years ago
Spring has lot of components like
security, mvc, aop, chain
12 years ago
<logic:present name="message">

<bean:write name="message" />

12 years ago