I have SuSe Linux 7.2
I downloaded JDK 1.3.1_02 and Tomcat 4.02.
I set the paths accordingly for JAVA_HOME and CATALINA_HOME.
Set CLASSPATH to $JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar:$CATALINA_HOME/common/lib/servlet.jar
When I started Tomcat using startup.sh, I do not get any error messages. It gives the usual startup messages. Also, there are no messages loged in $CATALINA_HOME/logs/catalina.log.
Does it mean that Tomcat has started?
However, when I try to connect to
http://localhost:8080 I get the error: cannot connect to host 8080.
1. How do I know if Tomcat has started. Which Linux processes does it kick off? What should I see in ps -ef?
2. I installed Tomcat and run startup.sh as my own userid. Do I need to startup as specific user?
3. Am I missing something in CLASSPATH?
Please help..