Sadanandam Kurapati

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since Sep 09, 2011
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Recent posts by Sadanandam Kurapati

try this one, it also provided the java implementations and you can download them.

Java Structures, the book
11 years ago

Few questions before we come to any conclusion on design?
  • Does Check object exists without Transaction?
  • Similarly does Transaction object exists without any Batch?

  • If your answers is no, then why do you need batchId in Transaction and Check classes and also tranId in Check class. So if you want to enforce a rule that Check does not exist without Transaction, then you should define a private constructor in Check(so that no once create a check independently and it will be always created using Transaction) and initiate the List<Check> checkList with Transaction constructor, similarly Batch.

    Yes, Waheed. Not just the first part, you can complete all 3 parts and then appear for training course.
    12 years ago
    In my component diagram, I have added couple of nodes which represent the queues(remote and local) with a note attached with details. This way I depicted the communication between my MDB and external system using JMS. As Eduardo said, I just connected with 'uses' relationship in component diagram and defined the protocol level communications in deployment diagram(SMPT, SOAP, HTTP etc).

    You can add a page to explain your design and you can document what are the technologies you are planning to use(JAX-WS, Struts MVC, JMS, etc) at different layers and design choices, etc. I would recommend to keep the diagrams as simple as possible.

    Sadanand Kurapati
    Hi, I used StarUML and it was good enough for preparing the assignment.
    All the best for your submission.
    Congrats Eduardo Enjoy being SCEA
    13 years ago
    Hi Anu, we can complete the 3 parts and also we get some kind of PDF with part I & II score with a mail from oracle that we cleared the SCEA. The only thing which you don't receive is the success kit which will have actual certificate(like graduation) and a card (credit card size). For more details please go through the following threads and I am sure it will provide you the details you are looking for.
    Mandatory course for SCEA
    Info about mandatory training
    Order of SCEA parts


    Hi, I completely second Ntumba's suggestions. Be specific about statefull(@Statefull) or stateless(@Stateless) for session beans and also specify @Entity for entities.
    Check this thread for more details on stereotypes.

    Hi Chenna,

    I am not about IBM software. I have use StarUML for all of the deliverable diagrams(class, component, sequence & deployment). As per my knowledge most of ranchers used the same.

    13 years ago
    Hi Fernando,

    Yes, this assignment has lot of gaps but it is up to us to fill those gaps with our assumptions and start building the system. Just document the complete assumptions.

    I am not sure if the Oracle OCP Team intentionally left those gaps in this assignment or it it the standard way of providing the assignments to test the ability of candidate. Yes, the reality is completely different .

    For dependency between components, I used Cade's way <<uses>>.

    Hi Dave,

    Yes, I completed all the 3 parts of SCEA except mandatory training. We do get the score card(in Pearson VUE website) for part I with % of marks and also the part II scorecard (in Pearson VUE website) with the message "Congratulations! You have achieved the highest level of Java Certification one can achieve. You are among the elite group of individuals who can call themselves a Java Enterprise Edition 5 Enterprise Architect Cer.... etc"

    Apart from this you will also receive the elite 1% mail "Congratulations! You have passed the Oracle Certified Master, Java EE 5 Enterprise Architect certification. You are among the elite 1% of certified Java professionals who have gone on to achieve the Java Enterprise Architect certification... etc"

    I think we can use this mail and also the part II scorecard for our references. The only thing which we don't get is the success kit which include the actual certificate and the card.

    Hope this information is useful for you.

    Congratulations Jayavelu!!!
    13 years ago
    Hi Priam,

    It is always good to show the information(form data) population in sequence diagrams. In your specified example, you can have something like this sequence.
    User --(search)-->home.jsp ---(getProducts)--> to Manager to DAO etc)->
    search.jsp---(search, dropdown selection)--> etc-------

    Yes, the sequence diagram will be big but will show more granular information.

    Make sure all of the Manager, DAO etc methods(data population methods) are listed out in class diagram. In component diagram we just list the jsp and classes so no need to worry about it. Most importantly all of the assignment deliverable(class, component etc) should be consistent and convey the solution as unit.

    Hope this will answer your question.
