Nikul Prajapati

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since Sep 10, 2011
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Recent posts by Nikul Prajapati

Problem is just because of i forgot to close FileWriter object.....
Now its working correctly....
Thanks for your Suggestions...
13 years ago
I am reading file line by line using bufferedReader in java.
My file contains very long lines (about 913434 characters per line).

FileInputStream inStream=new FileInputStream(inFile);
DataInputStream inDataStream=new DataInputStream(inStream);
BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inDataStream));

String str=null;
while ((str = br.readLine()) !=null){

But it's always give some portion of line . It's failed to read whole line.
Please , help me on How to read whole line ?

13 years ago
main thing i want to implement.

I have one jar file which takes two files as arguments and gives one files as output.
I want to make one web interface that give two input files to jar file(which is on server) and get output file from server.

How i can do this?

Thanks for your time.

13 years ago

This is my web application example : webapplication
please have look at this application.

which absolute path should i use for Runtime.getRuntime.exec("java -jar Sphinx.jar agmark_iitb.config.xml agmark_iitb.batch");

13 years ago

i want to run jar file from JSP page.

I have putted this jar file and related files on SRC directory of my webapplication.

and i tried this code in my jsp page.

But does not get run!!!
How can i run this jar file?
Thanks for your time.
13 years ago

Sphinx4 is speech recognition application (Pure java application-only class files-no any GUI). Currently i able to run this application on my desktop by just executing one class file with some parameters. Sphinx4 takes one audio wave file as input and give corresponding text transcription of this audio file as output. But i want to make this application available to all user of network. So i need to run this application on server.

Also want to make one web interface that interact with this application
for example:

how can i do this?
Any help would greatly appreciate.

thanks for your time.
13 years ago

Sphinx4 is speech recognition application (Pure java application-only class files-no any GUI). Currently i able to run this application on my desktop by just executing one class file with some parameters. Sphinx4 takes one audio wave file as input and give corresponding text transcription of this audio file as output. But i want to make this application available to all user of network. So i need to run this application on server.

Also want to make one web interface that interact with this application
for example:

how can i do this?

Any help would greatly appreciate.

thanks for your time.

13 years ago