Jerry Gomez

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since Sep 15, 2011
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Recent posts by Jerry Gomez

I want to kill a thread that i`m running in the background, when someone stops the application.
13 years ago
Its the red button on your phone to end a conversation or to stop something.
13 years ago
Hey guys,

When i press the End call button, it`s doesnt finish my activity.
Even when i setup a Buttonlistener and trace it with log.i(keyCode,"").
It doesn't come up.

Has anyone a sollution for this problem.

Thanks in advance.

13 years ago

The game that i`m working on has lots of text.
I want the text to be on some kinda file.

I want to read the text somekind of way with the android.

Thanks, Jerry
13 years ago

I`m kinda new with android ,but i know java.
With a normal application it`s possible to get data from an excel file.
When i try to put it into an android application it doesn`t work.

Is it even possible on the android?
Or do you have a better suggestion.

Greetings Vermi

13 years ago