Sandy Sagar

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since Sep 15, 2011
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Hi All,

I m using struts bridge with Jetspeed 2 container. I have my normal struts application behaving like portlets. I want to set cache headers in response so that my pages are never cached. But when I do that in my base action, it is not showing my cache tags in response headers. If I access application as normal struts application, I can see cache headers getting set.

I think the reason could be that the response object that I m getting in my Struts Action is of type org.apache.portals.bridges.struts.PortletServletResponseWrapper. I m setting my response headers as

Is there any way where I can set headers in HttpServletResponse that is getting commited? I couldnt find any method similar to doHeaders for my case.

Sagar Sandy
13 years ago
Hi All,

I m facing problems while using browser back button. I m using struts bridge with CMS Jahia. Normal flow is

All my actions use DispatchAction as base class

Action A-Init() renders JSP A
Action A-Submit submits JSP A and chained to Action B init() which renders JSP B

<action path="/actionA" name="formA"
scope="session" validate="false"

<forward name="renderA" path="screenA.jsp" />
<forward name="submitA" path="/" redirect="true" />

<action path="/actionB" name="formA"
scope="session" validate="false"
<forward name="renderB" path="screenB.jsp" />

Now issue is when on screen B if I press control F5 (refresh), Action B init is called again and screenB.jsp is rendered which is fine. But if I click browser back button, I expected Action A submit to be called but it is again calling Action B init and rendering screenB.jsp.

This is not happening in any other actions of the application.

Could somebody please tell me if I m missing anything?

13 years ago