Roy Stiles

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since Sep 15, 2011
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I am new to html and javascript. I am trying to do a website for user authentication for a wifi network. I am using a zyxel g-4100 device. The equipment requires the usage of html code to allow/deny access. The code follows:

I am trying to use javascript to have the user enter an access code which will return the url to the zyxel box rather than a simple agree/disagree button. The code follows:

I am sure there are a ton of errors in this code, as I said I am a novice. My problem is that with each code i get a different response from the zyxel unit. Of course the first code does exactly as needed. I think the reason the second code doesnt work right is that the first code is using the post method. Is there a way to incorporate the post method to see if this fixes my dilemma? Or, does anyone have any ideas or suggestions? Thanks