Hi again guys
I have been hard at work reading about tile map based games. I have managed to make a program that runs a movable sprite, around a tilemap created from a text file. This map is also set with collision detection on all tiles and the players sprite. My new project is to make this program have an RPG overhead view with X/Y scrolling as the player moves around. After many days of reading, I have found this is done by making a "camera" class that is used as a location reference for what tiles need to be drawn on screen. Now my problem is that I have not found a tutorial that has been able to explain this is a way I understand. I now this is a lot to ask on a forum, but if anyone has the time, I could really use a dumbed down version of this, or even if it is possible with my current code.
Hope someone can help Thanks.
//The Tile maker class that reads the text file map and eventually places the Chars in an array list.
//This is the game class
//This is the hero sprite class
//this is the class of one of the tiles
Sorry for all the code, Im not sure what people might want to see to be able to help me. If any one has any ideas ect please let me know