Mohan Singh

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since Sep 17, 2011
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HI Guys,
I'm currently working for an MNC (Finance domain). My experience is as mentioned below:

3.5yrs -Java development & support (US client)
2yrs -Integration/configuration management (UK client)
6months -Adobe flex/Java dev and support (UK client)
1yr -Java development & support (Indian clients)

Relevant Java experience is 5yrs.
Overall experience is 7yrs

1.What should i do if i think of Job change and
a. plan to continue in Technical line ? (i prefer)
b. plan to get into Management line ?

2.Which experience does the recruiter considers the most ?
a. if technical, what is expected ?

3.Appreciate any other suggesstions.

13 years ago
Head First Servlets & JSP by Bryan Bashan,Kathy Sierra & Bert Bates.

4th chapter gives you basic understanding.
I Suggest you to go thru 4, 5 & 6 chapters.

All the best.
13 years ago