Niiraj Patel

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since Sep 17, 2011
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Recent posts by Niiraj Patel

Kourosh, Second option suggested by Jeanne is very true.. You should use data-source facility provided by your Java Application Server.You can also put this information in encrypted properties file and also set some flag which tell system to whether to take connection from data-source or manually connect using JDBC..

10 years ago
sairam, please post your wsdl if possible..
10 years ago
Akhilesh, It is necessary to generate new stubs and I believe when wsdl changes, you may have to observe new changes and you might required to change some business logic.
So, it is better to generate new classes by your self.

11 years ago
Hi, I have tried using new jersey version jaxrs-ri-2.5.1. But even if I don't provide any package name or class name, It takes all resources that I have implemented.

To install new version I have to replace class-name in web.xml



Now, My web.xml

is there any idea how jersey scans your resources ?

11 years ago
Sven, There is no extra things you have to do. just export your application in eclipse as WAR and put it in webapps in tomcat's home directory and restart the server. (1.Select your project 2.Right Clickt 3.Select Export >> WAR File)
11 years ago

Let me see by using newer version of Jersey. Thanks Ulf..
11 years ago
exactly, This is my doubt.. even though I am not defining my JAX-RS resource explicitly, framework finds it. but how does it happen? links I provided in my post say that you have to define package or Application class through <init-param>, But I am not doing any thing and things work properly.

Roger, Thanks for your help. I have cleared Java EE 6 Web Services Developer Certified Expert Exam.

11 years ago

I have created sample project in eclipse and deployed it in tomcat.

I am using below jar files.

  • asm-3.1.jar
  • jersey-core-1.10.jar
  • jersey-server-1.10.jar
  • jersey-servlet-1.10.jar

  • below are classes.


    my web.xml

    My Doubts
    1. How does Jersey framework inject/scan JAX-RS resources. if we don't provide class names explicitly
    2. Some docs says (links are provided below), we have to explicitly register package name to tell Jersey framework so it can scan those packages and inject AX-RS resources.

    Link 1 :
    Link 2 :

    even if I remove method getClasses() from class MyApplication, It is working fine. My doubt is how does it finds resource ?

    This is my Tomcat’s catalina.out logfile's snap:

    In above code I do not explicitly tell framework to register my class HelloWorldResource as I have commented getClasses method.

    Does it scan by annotation like @Path("helloworld") @Produces("text/plain") ?


    11 years ago

    Frits, This manual does not tell how to enable Fast Infoset for Service Side. I will enable it at client side as Souvik said above. but I also have to enable it at Service Side.
    Thanks Frits and Souvik for your response.

    I am really confused with fast infoset.

    Can you post a client and service code and link of jar file which need to place.

    your help would be greatly appreciated!


    For study purpose, I have created standalone SOAP based image upload/download service using MTOM.
    I want to use fast infoset to make it optimized. But don't know how to use it.
    I looked it to this URL ( But, when I try it I am not able to find '' class in jdk.
    Can anyone tell me how can we use 'fast infoset' ?

    How many chapters do we need to read from 'Java Web Services Up and Running' book ?

    11 years ago

    Effective June 1, 2011 - Java, Oracle Solaris, MySQL, and NetBeans certification exams are being delivered through new test delivery vendor --Pearson VUE-- and are no longer available through Prometric.

    The new exam code of 310-083 is 1Z0_858

    There is no much change in objectives. Drop-down questions. are removed in new exam.
    please refer :
    please contact Pearson VUE incase of any doubt.



    Please raise your query through below Pearson VUE Customer Service.

    Niraj Patel
    howdy all,

    what is advantage of using scripting variable in custom tag?.

    In which scenario it serves its best ? In which type of situation it is really required ?

    You can also avail of page scoped variable using <jsp:useBean standard action.

    Can anyone please clear the doubt ?

    Niraj Patel