Tim Moores

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since Sep 21, 2011
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Recent posts by Tim Moores

Tim Holloway wrote:You don't think that having the framework export and use JavaScript code on the client doesn't give it a client side?

I wouldn't use the term "having a client side", as that is a bit fuzzy. But yes, creating Javascript code that is used to interact with the server is IMO not enough to use a different label than "server-side framework", just like creating HTML form markup that can be used to interact with the server isn't enough.
3 months ago

Sorry, Mr. Moore. Since JSF Version 2, JSF has been both a server AND client technology.

JSF controls support AJAX, and they do so by using jQuery* on the client.

Your terminology may vary, but in my book, support for AJAX isn't enough to call JSF anything other than a server-side framework.
3 months ago
Welcome to the Ranch.

JSF is a specification, and as such does not include a specific browser requirement. For a particular implementation, such as Apache MyFaces, this is a good question for which no answer seems to be readily available.

But JSF is server-side technology, so unless some of its tags create some crazy HTML or Javascript that is not widely supported -which would surprise me-, JSF applications should run on any recent browser, including Edge.
3 months ago
Ah, like the "thoughts and prayers" offered after yet another school shooting. If people truly cared, they'd involve themselves in efforts to limit the effects of climate change, and to limit the spread of guns.
3 months ago

Tim Holloway wrote:Finally, I don't like the "-jni" on that library name.  That smells like Java Native Interface and I've never heard of anyone doing JNI on Android, and I'm doubtful it would work, since I'm fairly sure that a wide variety of different processors use Android and JNI very definitely breaks the "write-once/run-anywhere" concept of Java.

There's no problem using JNI on Android. Gradle can create native code for all of ARM, ARM-64, X86 and x86-64, and ship that all in the same Android app.
3 months ago
Do you need or want to use OAuth2? If not, https://www.google.com/settings/security/lesssecureapps may be an option.
3 months ago
I'm not familiar with the libraries you mention, but an Activity is a Context. How is the SmartDialXposed object created? Can you pass a reference to the Activity as a parameter?
3 months ago

Paul Anilprem wrote:while in Europe (afaik) they like certifications more.

Not for developers, no. For sys admins, yes (Cisco, Microsoft Server etc.), and also for particular software (Atlassian, SalesForce, Google etc.), but Java certs are common neither in job ads nor in CVs. Quite rare, actually.

abcdSiddharth tiwari wrote:Hi, Did you find the way to do it?? I too have this requirement and cannot use IMAP or POP3 to read my mails.

Welcome to the Ranch. After 13 years, it's unlikely Michael is still around to answer your question.

What does having this requirement have to do with POP/IMAP? And what's more, if not by POP/IMAP, how are you accessing the mails? I think those are pretty much the only mail receiving protocols JakartaMail understands.
4 months ago
There is no difficulty in having different areas of a screen contain different GUI elements. Android has various layout styles for different kinds of presentations, just like Swing has different layout managers. https://developer.android.com/develop/ui/views/layout/declaring-layout talks about that.
4 months ago

Ant Leung wrote:From the given URL, I get no exact sample for the way in Android studio.

That's correct. There is no shortcut to learning Android GUI programming. If you work through that material, you'll discover that somewhere in there are code examples.
4 months ago
No. For Android, you need to forget about Swing, its GUI toolkit is substantially different. Thinking about it in terms of Swing classes will get you nowhere.

The Android developer site has lots of introductions and tutorials; start reading at https://developer.android.com/develop/ui
4 months ago
A quick search finds https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-apps/developer/data-platform/dataverse-sql-query, which mentions read-only SQL access. That should mean that JDBC is a possibility.

As to SharePoint, https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/msoffice/forum/all/how-can-i-connect-sql-table-with-sharepoint-365/e48e2913-ad00-47e0-a196-d6625db4fc26 sounds to me like some hoops would have to be jumped through (if it's possible at all), but I'm not a Microsoft guy and may be misreading this.