Maya sekar

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since Sep 22, 2011
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Recent posts by Maya sekar


By integration I mean that I am trying to write a Jersey based Rest Web Service using Spring Framework....

12 years ago
Thanks guys
I guess i'll mark this as resolved then...
12 years ago
This is what I tried,


My web.xml

There are probably tons of mistakes. I couldn't find an example I could easily understand so I resorted to pulling out pieces of code from various examples and patching it together, Frankenstein Style
Any help is appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
12 years ago
Hi ,

I am trying to build a Jersey Based Rest Web servuce with Spring but I couldn't find an example online that works... Could someone share a simple sample if possible?
Have a nice day
12 years ago
Hi Raghvendra,

I did try replacing the *.html with *. But that does not work. On the other hand, replacing *.html with simply / does work. Though I still don't understand what all of this means.
Adding hello.html in the Request Mapping doesn't work either....

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply...
Have a nice day
12 years ago

Mark Spritzler wrote:Maybe, and I might be wrong, because your servlet mapping is



Hey Mark .

Thank you for taking the time to read and respond... I took your suggestion and removed .html extension from the url-pattern, leaving only

But sadly that did not work either... The browser couldn't find the index.jsp page.

Thank you so much for trying to help...
Have a nice day
12 years ago

So I asked a friend of mine and he messed around with it a bit.
When we run the program, the index.jsp page opens just fine in the browser


... But it does not get successfully redirected to the hello.jsp page.


WE don't understand why...
but when we did try this, http://localhost:9090/Spring3MVC/hello.html the program works fine.... ( though http://localhost:9090/Spring3MVC/hello.jsp doesn't work )

So I was told Spring encounters a bit of trouble when it tries to convert my jsp to htlm files... I am a beginner and I don't understand what that means.... What should I do to fix it?
Have a nice day
12 years ago
Hey guys

I was trying out a Spring MVC 3 Hello World Program. After innumerable failed attempts I simply decided to download a sample code from online and run it. And that too has failed

I downloaded the code from the link at the botton so the code is pretty much the same...

My web.xml


Controller Class



I have attached my directory structure as an image file in case you want to refer that too....
When I do run the program in Apache Tomcat, I get the index page as I should, but when I click on the SAy Hello link, I get a requested resource is not available error.... And the program doesn't print the "Hello am inside spring" or the "Hello World, Spring 3.0!" message as it should in the console.

Please help, I have been at it all day long....
Thanks a lot
Have a nice day

12 years ago
Hi Everybody :),

So my JSP page is throwing an error. I am populating a radio button list with a Hasp Map. But when I do it throws an exception.

I am using Struts,

My coding for the radio button is as follows:

The urlList is a key-value mapping of Integer and String,

Been breaking my head over this for days now. Please help......

Thank you :)
Have a nice day
12 years ago
Hi Jesper,

LOL I just noticed my subject.... Sorry about that.... And thanks for the response... It is an installation problem so am going to reinstall my java.

Many thanks. Have a nice day.
12 years ago

For the past few days I have not been able to open my Eclipse. Every time I try it throws a "Eclipse started but returned an exit code = 2" error followed by a lot of sentences that don't really make any sense to me. I thought it might have something to do with java path and opened my cmd prompt and typed in java -version,

It threw a

Error opening registry key Software\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment
Error: could not find java.dll
Error: could not find java SE Runtime Environment

I don't understand what that means?

Can someone help me?
Any help is much appreciated... Thank you
12 years ago

My Eclipse was working fine a couple of days back. But now it throws an error. Eclipse start but return exit code=2. I cannot understand why. Please help resolve the issue.

I have attached a screen shot of the error it throws....

I was told that adding -vm [new line] #JDK path# should resolve the issue. But it hasn't. Please assist. Thank you. Have a nice day

I am trying to check if a service is up and running through Java code. Problem is I can connect to the Service if I hit the URL directly from the browser but when I try to connect through my code, the connection gets timed out. So my code throws a "Service not active" message even though the service is in reality up and running.... Why does the connection get timed out when I try to connect through my code....

Any help is much appreciated... thank you
12 years ago

I am not sure if i should be posting this under struts2 or jsp. But since the jsp tags differ when used with Struts2 I decided to post it here... so here goes... Like the subject Says, I am retrieving values from a database and displaying it as a table, with a check box to the left, to select a particular row if i want to.... this selected row will be subject to deletion or modification etc,

the code is as follows,

The result should be as follows,

select userid username designation
[] 44 vijee ase
[] 87 guna ita

but when i do run the code, my output is as follows,

select userid username designation
44 vijee ase
87 guna ita

Note: [] ----- > check box

Can you guys help me figure out what I did wrong?
12 years ago