Liming Xu

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since Jan 22, 2002
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Recently, our application deployed on Weblogic 7 keeps getting timed out.

The application has been live for the last 2 years, we rarely get this issue, so I'm wondering if anyone knows some settings on Weblogic could've effected this? I suspect that certain things that the Unix admin did could've caused this.

We tried to configure web.xml's session-config to 90 minutes and in weblogic.xml, we cconfigured the session-descriptor "TimeoutSecs" to 5400 seconds (90 minutes), but SOME (not all) users are still getting kicked out every 2 to 3 minutes.

Any suggestions or resolutions are greatly appreciate it.
16 years ago
Hello again,

Okay this is a simple question.

I have a HTMLDataTable which needs to bind to a Hashtable coming in from another developer's servlet(in request scope), this table has two column. first column, I need to bind to the hash key and the second column, I need to bind it to the hash value. How do I that?

Second question.. suppose for that second column (hash value), I want to bind it to a SelectOneRadio, is there a way to bind all has value as selectItems?

Please help.
19 years ago

Here is my situation. I have three <div> areas on the form and it's this wizard like workflow div1 (next), div2(back,next) and div3 (back, done)

First problem..

1. When I click Back button, it calls an action method and forward back to the last page. At this point, validation all came up! I only want this happens when user clicks next.

2. depending on two checkboxes selected in div1, div2 and div3 will be shown or not shown. I want validator to be activated only for the divs that I showed. How?

Thank you all.
19 years ago
solved the problem by moving it from tbe .xml to a custome java file and initalizd the value to Float type directly.

date problem was fine.
19 years ago

I have a drop down with values from 10000 to 20000, and the dropdown value is mapped to a managedbean property which takes a float parameter.

When I tried to submit, it gives me a cast exception, java.lang.Float. What should I do?

I also have another proprety Date of birth (h:inputText) which sets to a method with "java.util.Date" parameter, seems like I get null point exception. Btw, I used teh converter for it, does it matter?

<f:convertDateTime pattern="MM-dd-yyyy" />

then submit, seems to also have problem.
19 years ago
Hey all,

the current h:messages tag does not satisify my need (well, for my designers). Because every single message needs to be presented in the following view

<p> my message 1</p>
<p> my message 2</p>

no table, no lists, just a bunch of <p></p>

So I thought jstl's c:foreach fits my need the best. the problem is I just searched this forum, in a previous post, I see that foreach is not compatiable with JSF. so how would I go around this? suggestions please...

this is what I have now

<c:forEach items="${facesContext.messages}" var="facesmessage">
<p class="failrequire"><c ut value="${facesmessage.detail}" /></p></c:forEach>

mucho gracias.
19 years ago
hello again,

I'm using antcontrib and I'm trying to setup the location of its lib in a custom location say /home/lxu/lib/ant-contrib.jar, so in my build.xml I define...

<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/">
<pathelement location="/home/lxu/lib/ant-contrib.jar"/>

This works fine. Now, I'm trying to name the location path into a file say


so in my build.xml I have

<property file="" />
<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/">
<pathelement location="${antcontrib.lib}/ant-contrib.jar"/>

as soon as I did that, I'm getting "could not create task or type of type:foreach. Ant could not find the task or a class this task relies upon"

please help. thanks.
19 years ago
Sorry. One of my directory was too big it seems, that's why it hanged. Took a bit longer than I expected. excluded the diretory, everything is fine now.

19 years ago

I'm trying to use Ant(1.6)/AntContrib(the latest) to list the files in the current directory(where the build.xml file is) and for some reasons, it hangs. However, if I change the directory to another directory, eveyrthing is fine. Below is my targets.

${src} is say /home/lxu/build ( this is where the build.xml is) it hangs
if I change ${src} to ${src/bin}, everythign is fine.

<target name="ln_delete">
<foreach param="file" target="delete_symlink">
<fileset dir="${src}">
<filename name="**/*" />

<target name="delete_symlink">
<basename property="symlink_name" file="${file}" />
<echo message="${symlink_name}" />
19 years ago
THANKS A LOT Thomas, now I get the idea, finally! heheh... That's such a GREAT example. Again, thank you so much, now I understand why Interface is important.
Sorry about the last post, I just did a little trace (which I should've done before I posted), it looks like
ResultSet (an Interface) gets the implementation from Statement(an Interface too)
and Statement(Interface) gets from Connection(an Interface as well)
Connection(Inteface) gets from DriverManager.getConnection() , here DriverManager is a class. So are we saying that DriverManager implemented most of the interface methods?

Oh, just saw your post..
Right, if Statement is a class, then it's understandable... but in the Jdk API, Statement is an Interface, that's why it throws me off...
[ April 22, 2003: Message edited by: Liming Xu ]
Thanks, it makes sense, but now I have another question in reaction to your description.
So the Interface Statement is able to implement another interface like ResultSet here? I thought the only thing you are able to do wiht an interface is to extend another interface without any real implementation inside. Where is the real implementation of the executeQuery()? Inside Interface Statement class itself or somewhere else? Sorry for the stupid question, not sure if it makes any sense. For example
I can understand if it's like this
class Statement
public ResultSet executeQuery(String s)
return ....
Interface Statement
public ResultSet executeQuery(String s);
// but where is the implementation??
Hi all,
I have a question. I thought interface by definiton is abstract and therefore cannot be instantiated. Also, the body of interface is usally a list of method protypes and you have to provide specific implementations for it, am I correct?
I came across Interfact ResultSet in jdk1.4, and I'm able to do
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery( "SELECT * FROM students" ) ;
and then use a loop to get the data without the need to implement the ResutlSet myself. I try to use Interface RowSet at first, but from tutorials, it looks like I have to implement RowSet like CachedRowSet and etc first, so I'm very confused and I think my concept has problems.
If anyone can explains this to me a little, I would appreicate it. Thanks a lot.
Hi, I'm implementing SessionListener for counting active users.
I have two context pointing to two different applications, and I want to share the two listner class cross context. How do I do that?
I use Tomcat 4.1
22 years ago
Hi all, I'm trying to list a directory's content(includes files and subdirectories). The problem is that I want to make a link to the files say a zip, so that they'll be able to download it.
Now, this directory is not under my web context, in another words, say my web application context is pointed to /usr/local/www/ , but I want to list the directory of /usr/jakarta/ and links to the files underneath it for download.
I have no problem genreate a page for displaying those files listing by use native File Object supplied with "/usr/jarkarta", I just have a problem when i need to make a html link. When I do
<a href="/usr/jakarta/"> Tomcat 4 </a>
the weblink interpreted as http://mywebsite/context/usr/jarkarta/,
how do I get over this? Again the directory is outside of my context, so getServletContext().getRealpath() doesn't really work for me when comes to make a html link. thanks a LOOTTTT.
23 years ago