Jack Ralph

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since Sep 29, 2011
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@Olivier & Bear - Loads of thanks for your replies.

Let me explain what happens exactly,

Say two users are there A & B

User A logs in as A in some location
User B logs in as B in some other location

But User B is getting the initial login page & other attributes related to User A. I want to handle this problem. Further i want to know why this problem occurs???

Regarding the "Purge User" concept, it is like

The application is compatible with allowing two login's for a single user. Like User A logged in as A, and also User B logged in as User A.

Please suggest how am i to manage this issue.

13 years ago
Hi All,

I have a web based application with roughly around 200 users. We have a concept where in two users say A & B are there. User A can login with his login and also User B can login with A's login. This is handled by a "Purge User" concept.

My problem is, because of which,

1) When User A logs in, he gets some session of User C or D ???

I want to keep my "Purge User" concept unchanged, but yet should solve the session mix up.

Please throw some light on the above issue.

13 years ago