Dilip Ganesh

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since Sep 30, 2011
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Thanks again for your reply. So in this case i am looking for some different API . If you know any API to achieve this please let me know.

12 years ago

Thank you so much for your quick reply.

The above one will not work because select attribute doesn't accept any dynamic expression.

In my case i wants to parse the XML dynamically based on some other XML configuration. For example if i wants to parse the following XML

My configuration xml will looks follows.

So as per above configuration i need to fetch only name,id/number from person.xml. I hope its clear.Please help me. Thanks in advance.
12 years ago
Hi all,

I am parsing an xml file in jsp using JSTL xml tags.

Here the element name values are coming dynamically from other xml.

So i written the code like follows

But it is throwing the exception : <x:out tag is not terminated.

My question here is it is possible to nest a JSTL XML tags ? it is a correct way to nest the JSTL xml tags ?
Please help me.
12 years ago

It should not be difficult. So instead of trying to find some other weird way of doing it -- which is most likely to be even more difficult because it's not natural -- makes no sense at all.

The best approach would be to try to find out what you are doing wrong that makes it difficult.

So what difficulties did you run into?

I agree to your approach. Just wants to share with you in gridsphere portal we can set the form element values from the portlet itself.

i.e Gridsphere portal having their own Custom Tag Library , so that we can access those tag library classes inside the portlet class and we can set the values for those .

So i wants to know whether it is possible in servlets or not.
12 years ago
Thank you so much for your suggestions
12 years ago

Bear Bibeault wrote:

Dilip Ganesh wrote: Because sending the object to the JSP page and populating the values for the input elements there (using any tag libraries JSTL) i found it difficult.

It should not be difficult. So instead of trying to find some other weird way of doing it -- which is most likely to be even more difficult because it's not natural -- makes no sense at all.

The best approach would be to try to find out what you are doing wrong that makes it difficult.

So what difficulties did you run into?

Thank you so much for your quick reply. In my servlet i am calling web services to fetch the data's. So i will get the data in xml format. For example if i wants to create a new person , in that page i will show the fields like Country , State all this fields values are coming from webservices only. So sending this XML values to JSP and parsing there i found some what difficult. If i am using JAXB also same , i needs to send the JAXBObject to my jsp page and i need to populate values there. I hope it is clear.
12 years ago
Hi all,

I needs to populate values for listboxes , textboxes .. almost all the form input elements from my servlet . Because sending the object to the JSP page and populating the values for the input elements there (using any tag libraries JSTL) i found it difficult.

Is there anyway for setting all the Input Element values from the servlet itself? For example if i needs to set the value for textfield , then in my servlet

In my jsp page

or using any tag library also fine.

How can we achieve this type of functionality or any framework is available? Please help me.

Thanks in advance.
12 years ago

Ivan Krizsan wrote:Hi!
My recommendation is not to expose entities in your web services. If you do, you let middleware technology bleed into your business model which both cause coupling and mixing of concerns.
In a case like yours, I would remove everything related to web service technology from the entity classes and use the "data transfer objects" generated when creating artifacts from the WSDL.
The web service will, upon receiving a request, use the appropriate data in the request to invoke some kind of service that manages the appropriate entity.
If I have not expressed myself clearly, please do not hesitate to ask.
Best wishes!

Thank you so much for your kind reply. I will read about DTO clearly and i try to use that one in my web service. If i dont understand clearly i will ping you here.
12 years ago
I have developed webservices using CXF framework. We are exposing all our Database operation(Service Layer) methods as a web service methods. We are using Hibernate for persistence.

For example consider I have one Java POJO class(for hibernate mapping) named CountryEntity.java with the following properties(ID,Name,ModifiedDate).

Inside my service layer i have two methods called

Based on JAX-WS documentation i understand that it is using JAXB to do the databinding. When user calling my webservice for creating the new Country record i dont want the user to send the Id value and Modified Date value . So what i done is i annotated the propeties(id,modified date) inside the CountryEntity.java with @XmlTransistent annotation. So that operation is working fine.

But when i call getCountryEntityById web service method its returning CountryEntity object but that object dont have the values for ID and Modified Date property. I understand because of XMLTransistent annotation the values not getting Marshalling.

Can i change my method createCountryEntity taking parameters like (String countryName) , so that i no need to include XMLTransistent annotation in my entity classes.? or Anyother solution for this?

Please help me . Thanks in advance
12 years ago
I developed web services using CXF. Today i added the simple user name token security for the web service. After that when i try to deploy the web service i am getting following exception

I am using Jboss 6 . The following is my policy snippet i have added in the wsdl file.

The following is my cxf.xml file

Please help me . Thanks in advance
12 years ago
Hi to all,

I am trying to run the CXF-Rest Services in Jboss6. Application was deployed successfully , when i try to run i am getting following exception

Based on google i understand that we need to configure JAXB Databinding in CXF XML file. So i added the following line in my cxf.xml

But it throwing PropertyNotFoundException for jaxbElementClassNames . I dont know how to do it. Please show me the way.
12 years ago
Hi to all,

I developed the JAX-RS webservices using CXF framework and i deployed in Jboss6. While i try to access the application using the following URL http://localhost:8080/UPCServiceLayer/services/upcLineOfBusiness/create from my HTML page (using POST method only) i am getting following error in the server console

No operation matching request path /create is found,

The following is my cxf.xml

The following is my resource class

and i declared CXF servlet in my web.xml file also.

12 years ago
HI to all,

I am running my webservice in jboss written using JAX-WS.

I can see my wsdl file in browser and i can run through my Eclipse Webservice Explorer.

But if i write my java client to consume that webservice i am getting following exception

"Endpoint does not contain operation meta data for http://services.upc.tecno.com/".

I googled it but i can't see the good solution(https://community.jboss.org/message/336128)

Please help me
13 years ago
Hi to all,

I have one service class to do the DB operations through the DAO classes , i inject the DAO object using spring. It is working fine.
After that i exposed the same service method as a webservice method using JAX-WS annotation. After that it is not working it saying my dao object not get injected , so i am getting nullpointerexception. the way i am doing is correct or not?

My Service class is

My Spring xml is

Please help me Thanks in advance
13 years ago