Uday Kiran

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since Jan 22, 2002
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Recent posts by Uday Kiran

I had similar problem with Tomcat 4.1.12 on Windows 2000, where it didn't catch the oracle drivers in a .zip file. Had to rename to a .jar file
20 years ago
I installed Websphere Application Server 5.0, which has Internal JMS Server. Was wondering if anyone has worked on this. Need some information on configuration -- Thanks
20 years ago
I installed WAS 5.0 (Base Version) and it has built in JMS provider. Was wondering if someone can help me configure the JMS server to test some simple JMS examples -- Thanks
20 years ago
Would it make a difference, if it was StringBuffer, or some other user class such as Employee?
20 years ago

Originally posted by Sam Dalton:

I think you should probaly look at another way of doing this. For example, take the form variables from the first form, populate a javabean with the values, put this in the session and use it to poulate the form when you return to it....
I think that copying and restoring sessions could cause some pretty big problems...

Thanks for your prompt reply. I really appreciate your help. I have a built a framework and at this point to time, I am not a able to take the path you suggested. But, do you think I can use the "HttpServletRequestWrapper" class.
The sun j2ee api lists this class as part of j2ee 1.3, but I still can't find this class...
21 years ago

Originally posted by Sam Dalton:

I wonder why you would want to do this? I can't think of a particularly compelling reason to copy rather than pass by reference...
Perhaps if you provide some more information...?

I have form "A" which the user fills up with a bunch of data and half way through realises that the location data from the drop down in form "A" does not have his location. Hence he needs to add the location before proceeding. We provide a button on form "A" which the user clicks ( "Add Location") which should take the user to a different form ...form "B", let him add to location and automatically take the user back to form "A".
Summary: When user clicks a btn on a form, we want to store the original request and let him do a different action and re-display the origianal page.
21 years ago
Question on HttpServletRequest Object:
What is the recommended procedure making a deep copy of the request object. I am using the MVC architecture to channel the request to the front controller. I want to make a deep copy of the request object (which would have the request parameters from a form).
21 years ago
I need to make a copy of the request object. What is the recommended way of doing this. I am currently looking at using HttpServletRequestWrapper class and it doesn't seem to work...
thanks in advance
21 years ago
Thanks for the info guys...I am checking it out rite now...
22 years ago
I looked at Struts framework where I beleive the front controller is pretty much given to you. But we dont have much time on this project to understand it's framework.
I am planning on having just 1 central front controller. Here is a scenario for which I need help:
User requests: "http://someurl.com/login.jsp"
I am planning on channeling this request to go to my frontcontroller.java which extracts the requested page from URL and checks in a pre-loaded hashmap and sends the user to login.jsp.
Question: What should the user call: frontcontroller.java or some form handler servlet. I was interested in sending the request to front controller...if yes, how do we route it. We can probably have this in the action attribiute:
action = "/servlet/handleLogin" method="post"

but with a mapping in deployment descriptor like the following:
would probably send it to frontcontroller.java...
I dont know if this is how we do in a MVC model2 app.
But bottomline I dont want more than 1 main controller. (which can cleanup my security and logging logic)
Thanks in advance...
22 years ago
I am planning on using MVC architecture following the Java BluePrints spec. We would be using JSP/Servlets (NO EJB's). I was wondering if anyone had used this architecture before for non-ejb sites. Any simple prototypes would be of great help
22 years ago
Deployed a simple stateless session bean as a jar file using JRUN deployment tool. When accessing from a client, get the following message.
" Exception: [11:40:09] java.lang.SecurityException: Access disallowed
java.rmi.RemoteException: System exception/error caught by container; nested exception is:
java.lang.SecurityException: Access disallowed
java.lang.SecurityException: Access disallowed"
deploy.properties file at the server level has
the following entry: Test02.ejb.allowedIdentities=all