Nick Charles

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since Oct 09, 2011
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You can probably install just about any source code repository manager locally to manage your sources, but git (or mercurial) is probably the easiest to use in that manner. I suspect the example you saw was with using github, but you don't need to use github to use git.
10 years ago
What do you mean by "local team server"? Do you mean Microsoft Team Foundation Server? It's kind of hard to give you an answer when the question is not clear. Or are you just asking about source code version management software in general, in which case either git or Subversion should work.
10 years ago
Is your server running Apache HTTPD? If so, check the Timeout property in the httpd.conf file.
10 years ago
Vu, welcome to Java Ranch!

I assume you want to find out the IP address of the client, that is:

You can see all the values provided by $_SERVER in the docs:
10 years ago
Look in conf/httpd.conf, at the Listen entry and make sure it is set to 80, and not 8080:

10 years ago
Besides Apache Web Server, you'll also need a PHP processor and to configure Apache Web Server to use it. The PHP installer for Windows should do that configuration for you during installation provided Apache Web Server is already installed:
11 years ago
phpMyAdmin is written in PHP, not Java, and thus Tomcat cannot run it natively. Your best bet would be to install Apache HTTPD and run it using that. But if you insist on Tomcat, you could look into using either Quercus ( or libphp5servlet.[dll|so]. I used to use libphp5servlet but now prefer Quercus.
11 years ago
To run PHP in Tomcat, take a look at Quercus:
You could also try using phpservlet:
I've used both with JBoss AS 4.2.x and 5.x; since those versions of JBoss AS use a variant of Tomcat you should also be able also use Quercus and phpservlet on Tomcat.
Personally, once I started using Quercus I never bothered with phpservlet any more.
11 years ago
I would first verify that a specific plain text string gets encrypted to the exact same encrypted and encoded string in both environments. If not, then the algorithms are not compatible (perhaps due to differences in interpretation of the algorithm, or perhaps in one group 'tweaking' the algorithm to 'make it better'). If the encoded strings are not the same, you will have to try other algorithms until you find one that generates the same encoded string on both platforms.
11 years ago
If you removed the calls to json_encode you should be getting a different error message. What error are you getting now?

Also, it might help to post the entire error message, or web page with the error message. The full text might provide some insight.
11 years ago
I suspect that json_encode doesn't like the HTML string contents. Try removing json_encode and just echo the msg. Or remove the HTML tags from the message text.

11 years ago
Did you paste this code directly from your editor? If you did, notice that your quote marks are slanted; that's because they are not plain quotes (ASCII 0x22) but rather the enhanced quotes used by a word processor. What editor did you use to create this file? (What OS are you running on?)

Try replacing all of the slanted quotes with standard quotes using a plain text editor.
11 years ago
It would help if you posted both php1.php and php2.php. And post the error message you are seeing.

What you mean when you say "when i update php2.php"? What do you mean by "update"?
11 years ago
You need to provide a <form> element to identify where to send the data upon clicking the button. Example:

11 years ago
That is correct, a mysql_result cannot be converted into an integer; instead a mysql_result is a handle for a collection of data that you have to get a row at a time. So what you need to do is extract the integer from the mysql_result, like this:

$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
$base_pay = $row[0];

There are other ways to do this also. Try looking up a PHP with MySQL turorial.
11 years ago