Jay Orsaw wrote:Okay so I have a class that I built about 160 menu items. I was curious if it's possible to be able to save that gui info and transfer it from Java SE to EE? I don't even think I can copy the code since the gui code is not editable... Even redoing the parts of code isn't an issue, it's the gui builder part I'm more worried about. It took a lot of time to do this, so I don't want to waste more.
vipul bondugula wrote:
As the other jsp file(suppose named as otherFileName.jsp) is in the same directory can i write only otherFileName.jsp in the url , or else should i write from context path onwards.
Michael Cropper wrote:Previously when I was using a normal Statement object to update DB I created a class "UpdateDatabase" which took arguments of (tablename, setdata, wheredata) which I then used to build the SQL statement.
So my question is, when using PreparedStatements instead, is it is a good or a bad idea to do something similar?
Since I have two options
Option 1
Build a separate class for each specific update statement I want to run.
Option 2
Build one flexible class which takes the arguments as my previous one did.
So the question is, which is the best option technically, and why?
Kasun Liyanage wrote:
i cannot understand how they have put Arrays.toString() like that, without first creating an Arrays object. Are java.util' classes are always used that way? Please explain.
public static String toString(Object[] a)
Returns a string representation of the contents of the specified array. If the array contains other arrays as elements, they are converted to strings by the Object.toString() method inherited from Object, which describes their identities rather than their contents.
The value returned by this method is equal to the value that would be returned by Arrays.asList(a).toString(), unless a is null, in which case "null" is returned.
a - the array whose string representation to return
a string representation of a
J Ellis wrote:Hi all,
I have an applet that calls a bunch of pojos to eventually read in image files and display them. I had everything working on my old machine but rebuild when my hard drive went bad, and I cannot remember how to get around the access control to read a file on the local machine. Even though I have self-signed the .jar file, I keep getting a java.security.AccessControlException: access denied ("java.io.FilePermission"... error. I believe the self-signing works because if I use the .jar file before I sign it I get a different error (java.security.AccessControlException: access denied ("java.util.PropertyPermission" "com.sun.media.jai.disableMediaLib" "write")). The jarfile contains a policy file granting all permissions in its root, but at this point I can't even remember if I was using a policy file before or not.
I checked out https://coderanch.com/how-to/java/HowCanAnAppletReadFilesOnTheLocalFileSystem on here, but it says that if a jar file is signed then it should have full permissions. What am I doing wrong here?
Would someone kindly point me in the right direction?
Tien Shan wrote:I have butons, combo boxes, etc, that I want to put in 3X3 row and column.
I used gridbag layout and they distributed themselves sparsely, and the two columns on the right and on the left are uncomfortable close to the panel boarder. I want to put some space between the 1st and the 3rd row and the edge of the panel.
In other words, I want to put them closer to the 2nd row in the center. I tested weightx property, but did not get it as per my wish.
If you have any tips, please let me know. Thank you.
ajse ruku wrote:Hi,
I need to use html:checkbox but it does not have checked attribute. How can i implement this. Please advice.