Ron McLeod wrote:Other than renaming some variables, I ran your code as-is, and it seemed to work as your wanted:
Windows 10 and Java 17.0.7
Carey Brown wrote:
Rob Camick wrote:
When you do the rotate the string gets drawn down 250 and to the left 250, so effectively it is painted off the panel.
Campbell Ritchie wrote:The way I would do it requires a second Graphics object. I have had difficulty with Graphics objects when I apply an affine transform to them; it doesn't seem to reverse properly. It is usually shear() that causes problems; translate() and scale() can usually be reversed.Graphics#create() method. Graphics2D#rotate() method.
Campbell Ritchie wrote:The way I would do it requires a second Graphics object. I have had difficulty with Graphics objects when I apply an affine transform to them; it doesn't seem to reverse properly. It is usually shear() that causes problems; translate() and scale() can usually be reversed.Graphics#create() method. Graphics2D#rotate() method.
Carey Brown wrote:Kevin, can you provide a screen snapshot as to how you expect it to look. From your description I'm guessing (?) you want:
and not just ABC rotated 90 degrees.
Carey Brown wrote:Have you tried closing the sequencer?
Ron McLeod wrote:Sounds like this issue: StackOverflow: Java could not open/create prefs error. The work-around seems to be either run the application once as a user with Administrator rights, or manually create the registry key.